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billy-gnosis t1_j2cllbi wrote

what a beautiful display of corporate capitalism making its way into a corporate holiday just to push more people into buy more products

Never stop consuming,

-Billy Gnosis


Subdued_humanity123 t1_j2cn3pr wrote

Am I too far gone and too high or does it look like weed to anyone else?


RufusCranium t1_j2coiej wrote

Let me ask you something. Let's take your point and the religious aspect out of it for a moment. What's wrong with people being festive and exchanging gifts? How about the ideas of peace on earth and good will among men? Taking a day or two off, maybe eating well, and possibly hibernating for a bit? However, if none of that appeals to you, then here's a thought: Just don't participate. It's completely voluntary, you know?


momijimanko t1_j2cow25 wrote

where is this? is that a tuktuk?? why is “god is good” on the bus? it’s like a fever dream


mckulty t1_j2crodn wrote

Don't miss the little flowers on the star at the top!


eaglewatch1945 t1_j2dtk6h wrote

I can feel my sperm count diminishing just looking at it.


macroeconomicchaos t1_j2dxrzi wrote

If i remember this correctly, the city recycling centers do this in that country because mtn dew bottles aren't recyclable. I remember seeing mtn dew bottles as decorations in random places because nobody can really sell them or recycle them.