Submitted by TuxedoFloorca t3_zzvi34 in mildlyinteresting
creative_user_name69 t1_j2dtss6 wrote
My wife would go bananas and buy a lb of each for me to cook in various ways for her
Tythan t1_j2dtvl4 wrote
Sweet potatoes are hardly potatoes.
TuxedoFloorca OP t1_j2duxtb wrote
Believe it or not, none of these are sweet potatoes. They had a separate section with multiple rows of sweet potatoes.
I think these are what look like sweet potatoes. They’re Papa Chaco potatoes.
Rogukast1177 t1_j2dyc2v wrote
That honestly sounds fun and I wish I had someone who loved me.
the_short_viking t1_j2dzjo8 wrote
Meeee too
Botars t1_j2e1syk wrote
The dark purple potatoes are my favorite
Crypy0 t1_j2e24bk wrote
I would definitely do this...
JustASadBubble t1_j2e2eys wrote
Potatoes vary in texture/starch content that make them taste and cook differently
expertestateattorney t1_j2e2nbh wrote
Looks amazing!
Hoosierguy2 t1_j2e4go7 wrote
I want them all.
Seegtease t1_j2e70ef wrote
Fuckfurd t1_j2e7105 wrote
Aw me too. Did yesterday. Not today
goodbuddyoldpal t1_j2e8nky wrote
This is like a Midwestern Thanksgiving except it's just one type of potato cooked in 21 different ways.
FridensLilja t1_j2e8z1v wrote
Potato potato
goodbuddyoldpal t1_j2e93l5 wrote
Hope this is a social repose reference
YourAverageDad44 t1_j2ear98 wrote
Boil em, bake em, stick em in a stew
Koffeekage t1_j2ebxrb wrote
Bubba spudds
Choppergold t1_j2ed3v8 wrote
I would go there every week that looks awesome
Choppergold t1_j2ed5pc wrote
Sir these are potatoes
baconchilldophin t1_j2ed7j9 wrote
combine them all to create the ultimate mashed potatoes
hsrCwnS t1_j2ed94e wrote
Thank you Peru!!!
slackfrop t1_j2edr7g wrote
The supermarkets in Peru sometimes have maybe a hundred varieties. They range in starch/sugar and texture from something like a banana to something like a turnip.
Jealous_salty t1_j2edx2o wrote
I like potatoes
simonannitsford t1_j2eeey0 wrote
My boss gave me some red potatoes from his allotment that looked like beetroot when cut in half. They made very pink mashed potatoes.
TuxedoFloorca OP t1_j2efaiw wrote
If you want to see the different varieties, here they are
pmai91 t1_j2ejok4 wrote
discoyeti13 t1_j2eld9w wrote
Evolutionary Organic at Grand Army Greenmarket! They have the besssst potatoes.
[deleted] t1_j2ell60 wrote
throwamarlonwayans t1_j2ema9f wrote
I recognize a few of these but I don’t see the waffle ones or the world famous tot represented so I have to say I’m not very impressed with the selection here
Wolvesthatbyte t1_j2eo9gp wrote
Buy one of each
TakingDaHobbits t1_j2eoqdr wrote
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew
pokeybit t1_j2esetm wrote
How much for one of each?
N0xeus t1_j2et8jt wrote
Vitelotte Noir! Love them
Preemptively_Extinct t1_j2evmuf wrote
Are any of them cheese flavor? I saw a show they mentioned one tasted like cheese but never gave a strain name.
FuzzyKiwiFurrr t1_j2exwoe wrote
I love potatoes more then life itself.
Omg, does Reddit have a potato subreddit!? Imma go check
Ok_Marionberry_9932 t1_j2ez2zy wrote
How do you like to cook them?
houseofprimetofu t1_j2f1vxe wrote
Spicy potato recipe, best when used with small golden or yellow potatoes that turn buttery when roasted: -Chili garlic sauce (like Momofuku, FlybyJings, or Lao Gan Ma) -garlic powder -sesame oil -Braggs aminos (or soy sauce) -white pepper -black pepper
Cube tiny taters. Use generous amounts of seasonings and sauces until all taters are covered. Drop in a baking dish or whatever you want. Roast at 425F for 40, flip them at 20. Outside needs to crisp and puff. When you eat them it should be a nice shell with a buttery inside.
cy13erpunk t1_j2f2hjm wrote
as it should be
you love to see it
Ishana92 t1_j2f2rd4 wrote
Mash potatoes from them just look sooo weird
thedawesome t1_j2f3fp0 wrote
happy Irish noises
allChickensFearRice t1_j2f42wk wrote
Is potato
UnifiedQuantumField t1_j2f4e6h wrote
In some countries, they use/eat bananas the same way we eat potatoes. Sometimes it's plantains, but sometimes it's just a green starchy banana.
I still like potatoes though.
[deleted] t1_j2f5pmb wrote
KingBurakkuurufu t1_j2f6g90 wrote
As long as they all get me vodka
HiRollerette t1_j2f7ams wrote
I would buy 1 of each, cut them in 4th’s, and plant them! We
TuxedoFloorca OP t1_j2f7c8m wrote
This is NYC. We have a network of Greenmarkets and this is the marquee one in Brooklyn: the Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket
Awordofinterest t1_j2f7wwc wrote
Make yourself a whole tray of potato dauphinoise and love yourself.
Nazamroth t1_j2f8iux wrote
Right.... This is why I have trouble shopping, people!
I was told to get potatoes, no one told me that the market has 21 varieties! How am I supposed to know which one I need?
ILoveMyCatsSoMuch t1_j2f93tj wrote
You say PO-TAE-TO, I say PO-TA-TO….
Medcait t1_j2fa63t wrote
Have to move to NY soon, so I need to write this one down.
panda-sec t1_j2fbav6 wrote
I grew potatoes during the pandemic, just in case. They were delicious
bored_bottle t1_j2fbdl5 wrote
Lord of the rings, my friend. Sam will show you the way.
merkaba_462 t1_j2fbgck wrote
merkaba_462 t1_j2fbla9 wrote
Me too. I mean I can cook for myself. I meant the love part.
Botars t1_j2fc53t wrote
Pan fried with lots of spices
AKA_June_Monroe t1_j2fcdr6 wrote
There are over 5k varieties.
nightdweller4 t1_j2fdfl7 wrote
The local Irishman is drooling rn
PluckPubes t1_j2fe5t7 wrote
Eskimos only have 1 word for potatoe
EmilyJaneMeows t1_j2fhx7v wrote
This is my dream
Influence_X t1_j2fiacs wrote
It's nice to see heirloom varieties
OneFuckedWarthog t1_j2fimgh wrote
Itstotallysafe t1_j2fj3o8 wrote
Thanks OP! This makes me happy
GoingforIvey t1_j2fjaqe wrote
Someone call 21 Savage.
GoingforIvey t1_j2fjbaa wrote
Sick burn.
BooperSnootz t1_j2fkbkq wrote
DanteWolfe0125 t1_j2fkiey wrote
Peel one round, mash it right down, 20 varieties of Potatoes for sale at the farmers market!
[deleted] t1_j2fkw3m wrote
nouseforareason t1_j2fm54j wrote
HermitRock t1_j2fm6me wrote
"Which varieties do you want to try?"
M0nsterjojo t1_j2fmu0n wrote
Ag/Hort/Whatever studiest here, watch the film "The Botany of Desire". It talks about plants and how they project onto humans, potatoes are featured on there and talks/interviews people in a village that grows all the varieties of potatoes, which is over 5,000 different varieties!!!
Anacondoleezza t1_j2fnlen wrote
Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew
DJDarren t1_j2fnp85 wrote
I know you're joking, like, but do you understand what the Irish potato famine actually was, and how many people died because of it?
DonKeedick12 t1_j2fohj8 wrote
>bake em
Mash em*
starving_to_death t1_j2fpzws wrote
What’s a potato?
FlipsyFloopy t1_j2fr6jk wrote
I want to try them all
FlipsyFloopy t1_j2frdor wrote
My favourite odd coloured veggie is purple cauliflower. Add some cheese sauce and it looks so cool lol
I really want to try pink potatoes though
Reble77 t1_j2fripa wrote
Ooooo arrrrr Ooooo arrrrr
farticustheelder t1_j2frodk wrote
Tell the seller what you want to use the potatoes for. He/she will steer you to an appropriate variety.
It is like talking to the butcher. You may have a copy of Julia Child's cookbook but the meat today is different than in her day. the cooking times NEED TO BE adjusted.
farticustheelder t1_j2frwsx wrote
Got something against frying?
nmeofst8 t1_j2fs1e0 wrote
Dang. I didn't realize I wanted 21 tater salad until just now.
TakingDaHobbits t1_j2fs2xt wrote
That's not how they do it in Isengard!
Inevitable-Boss t1_j2fs62o wrote
Someone answer this question plz
RamblingSimian t1_j2fsxe2 wrote
> potato dauphinoise
Or potatoes au gratin!
farticustheelder t1_j2ft0d0 wrote
First year allotment garden mistake, planting zucchini. Put in 2 plants and found out I didn't have as many friends as I had thought. It should be classified as an invasive weed species.
Potatoes on the other hand are fun to grow and eat! A 5 gallon container will grow a lot of spuds, if you have the room you can grow mini potatoes all season long.
farticustheelder t1_j2ft74x wrote
And the locals are expert at picking exactly the right potato for the purpose.
Ramdoriak t1_j2fti68 wrote
Yeah, was gonna comment that only 21 is kinda low, then I remembered it’s uncommon to have so many outside Peru
Lighght1 t1_j2fti7r wrote
I'll have the redest potato you have. No that's too red.
potatodrinker t1_j2fu5cv wrote
My type of shopping, in starch contrast to buying online
apparentlynot5995 t1_j2fui6q wrote
Looks like there's ONE, and it doesn't have much to do with cooking them. There's dancing potato animations though.
munster1588 t1_j2funbo wrote
GentlmanSkeleton t1_j2fv5ma wrote
No these are potatoes.
GentlmanSkeleton t1_j2fv8cw wrote
How bout a jacket and i jack it?
Soviet_Waffle t1_j2fw9nv wrote
As a slav, this appeals to my soul.
mjmjuh t1_j2fwjz9 wrote
my life is potato, I dream of potatoes
SnorkinOrkin t1_j2fwl17 wrote
I do, too!
I'd cut em up in halves, boil halfway, pat dry, drizzle olive oil, kosher salt, pepper, paprika, chopped rosemary and thyme, bake it for an hour, flip them around a little, bake some more for another half hour...
Mix some sour cream, parsley, red onion, and lemon for a dipping sauce.
Ohhh, BABY!!!
ramon_redman t1_j2fwmi1 wrote
Imagine the flavour of the mash!!
SnorkinOrkin t1_j2fwwsu wrote
Ugh, my hopes are dashed for a lively, established cooking potatoes sub! :(
Should be r/TheArtofCookingPotatoes
Or, r/PotatoesEveryWays
FlatRaise5879 t1_j2fwzow wrote
Other side toasted
Meanpeanutbutter t1_j2dro0x wrote
And they all taste the same.