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NomenNescio13 t1_j215vrv wrote

My mom owned a gym for women and did exactly this. Which, given her stories of people entering through open windows while she was cleaning up at the end of the day, was probably wise.


Deslah t1_j21qnu1 wrote

It was very wise. Repairing or replacing a cash register is not cheap (and not having a cash register because the thief thought it was full so he stole it) makes it that much harder to reopen and get back to business. Anything a business owner can to reduce the potential damages is a good thing.


STUPIDVlPGUY t1_j22l6aj wrote

imagine stealing a cash register, then taking it home, breaking it open, and finding its empty


No_Significance_1550 t1_j246isw wrote

They usually break into the register while it’s still in the store. The shitty part is when they steal a vehicle, drive it through the front of the store to break into said empty cash register. Tens of thousands in damages for nothing.


[deleted] t1_j245tfw wrote



NomenNescio13 t1_j246ao0 wrote

Just idiots looking for a buck. According to her, as soon as they realised she was there, they'd awkward their way out of there.