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sudeki300 t1_j1wede0 wrote

They look like sports wheelchairs, notice the small front wheels and the bar around the bottom.


CurlSagan t1_j1wfeyh wrote

Mannequins are on their feet all day long, so I support letting them sit down while at work.


tballhennings t1_j1wky2a wrote

Never trust a person in a wheelchair with dirty shoes.


[deleted] t1_j1woz5z wrote

You gotta appreciate the artistry that went into this setup. It's a really good action shot, it paints a scene and it feels focused and kinetic.


miccleb t1_j1wpysr wrote

Is the store wheelchair accessible?


ncconch t1_j1x7o9v wrote

The Matt Scott Nike ad is awesome. There are many wheelchair basketball leagues including NCAA. I know many disabled kids that have received full scholarships to play.


Gocards123321 t1_j1xa426 wrote

If only more people thought child labor was mildly interesting


Tha_Watcher t1_j1xb34j wrote

Wait a second... is that mannequin acting like it's disabled or is it actually disabled?


hrinforms t1_j1xidby wrote

Cause people in wheelchair too deserve to play. I like Nike being all inclusive


shaunnotthesheep t1_j1xlabz wrote

Same here. I can walk a very short distance at a time but if I'm going anywhere significant I need the chair. But like I can walk around my bedroom. If I'm at a store and something is out of my reach, I can get up out of my chair and go get it, and then walk the three feet back to my chair, people give me so much shit for it that I've just started to ask people to hand it to me which makes me feel even more disabled and..... It's a vicious cycle. People suck


OZeski t1_j1xvtnv wrote

Learned something new today.

“Common degrees of camber on a manual wheelchair range from 0° to 8° with the most common selections for an everyday wheelchair ranging from 0-3°. Camber in sport wheelchairs can be upwards of 15°, or even more.” - Source Motion Composites


xAUSxReap3r t1_j1xvw4a wrote

That mannequin doesn't need a wheelchair though.

Another standing mannequin taking the jobs of differently abled mannequins everywhere.

Shame on you, Nike.


ScaryGhostMan-X__X t1_j1xw555 wrote

I use a wheelchair. Seeing this is amazing. It’s inclusion and we need more because it helps inspire people who use a chair. Also that is a sports chair. Still amazing. People with disabilities are just like anyone else and this makes a big impact for people. Thank you for posting. Made my day :)


TheSpitfire93 t1_j1y7cl9 wrote

They actually got hold of a basketball chair too. Nice


riinkratt t1_j1yav40 wrote

Stupid mannequins can’t even see where the hoop is what a crock of shit


Somethingisshadysir t1_j1ydw5u wrote

My friend used to have the same issue, but at this point I think she just pointedly stares if they start. You do you. If I see someone full on sprinting and leaping, I'll question it, but standing up, steps? Even walking a little while. People have different abilities, including from themselves on different days.


watson1984 t1_j1yofce wrote

If I was to come back as a mannequin I would like to be sitting down


IbobtheKing t1_j1zrgmv wrote

Not only a wheelchair, but a wheelchair specifically made for basketball. That's a nice touch


ScaryGhostMan-X__X t1_j208l10 wrote

Every little thing has an impact. Simple kindness and talking to someone like a human can make the biggest difference. Even just holding the door does something. Trust me. This representation and inclusion can really make someone’s day. Using a wheelchair should be normalized and people should learn about it. I think this is good for everyone. Thank for you reading. This little moment makes tomorrow a better future. Happy holidays friend :)


Purplereptarr t1_j217dbl wrote

They really have a leg up on other retailers as far as marketing goes.