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biggerBrisket t1_j1qvtmf wrote

Could be. Maybe with the handle sticking out it makes it a weird size and greatly reduces the number they can ship at once. And if you buy wholesale, a screw driver can cost $0.50 or less depending on how many you order.


Bierbart12 t1_j1qy5gh wrote

Still, could've just included one of those tiny extra cheap screwdrivers that usually come with ikea products


Andire OP t1_j1qyl05 wrote

Fuck it, this boy is going in the tool box 😂


brandnewreddituswr t1_j1s2six wrote

Leave it in the kitchen to handle all the other handles that need tightening


TheLumpyMailMan t1_j1s4tup wrote

Or the inevitable cabinet handle or knob that comes loose. I keep one in my kitchen just for that cause my OCD can't stand any of those fuckers being loose


Eldwyn t1_j1tjd15 wrote

If you run into this issue that frequently... use loctite?


TheBupherNinja t1_j1twtoj wrote

Gtfo out of here with your "proper solutions to common problems"

Although, just having a screwdriver around is a pretty free solution.


Abject-Picture t1_j1uh6vb wrote

If you catch it soon enough you usually just have to spin the knob to the right to tighten it back up, screwdriver not needed.
At least that's what my ocd learned.


TheLumpyMailMan t1_j1unfgw wrote

It usually just spins for me caus the actual hole in the wood of the cabinet is stripped and doesn't hold it tight anymore. My OCD already tried it lmao


idmfndjdjuwj23uahjjj t1_j1s712a wrote

Right next to every allen wrench that has come with something to assemble ever.


Muzzy637 t1_j1st0qe wrote

As a cyclist I save them all and I just lose them at some point


kahurangi t1_j1vbp5j wrote

I always tape them to the bottom of the desk or whatever it was they came in.


Zerafiall t1_j1sply7 wrote

“Damn it. I miss counted the little screw drivers and weee one short”

“Fuck it. Give them the test bench one.”

“Then what are we going to use on the test bench”

“I needed an excuse to get an LLT one. Not it’s a company write off” ¯(ツ)/¯


Eldwyn t1_j1tjfpj wrote

Ah yes Linus Lech Tips my favorite YouTube channel.


srcarruth t1_j1qyjn3 wrote

They could also not give you a driver at all, seems they made a choice


Andire OP t1_j1r2zr2 wrote

Glad they did, that's the easiest value ad for me lol


Einsteins_coffee_mug t1_j1rammp wrote

It’s the screwdriver that will ultimately always be used, even though it’s not the best one you own. Sometimes because you feel funny using a “good” screwdriver to assemble something cheap, or to open up a battery compartment real quick, or to make one little adjustment on something. Sometimes because this one was the first one you saw (likely because it’s always on top) and at the end of the day, it gets the job done, so it does every job.

It will never sit in a tool belt, but will never sit on the bench either.

Also, side note, do yourself a favor and rub the black nubs off the handle into the garbage as soon as they’re ready to go, before they decide to do it themselves and end up everywhere.


Andire OP t1_j1razia wrote

>It will never sit in a tool belt, but will never sit on the bench either.

It's not the screwdriver we deserve right now, but it's the screwdriver we need. So he'll be there. Waiting for the day to screw anything he can.


mtom17 t1_j1s1pjl wrote

"I'll give it me best shot boss, so chuffed ya picked me!"

30 seconds later

"Ahhh shit i'm slipping i'm slipping! Take it easy fella!"

30 seconds later

"Well what did ya expect from 50p screwdriver??"


jrhoffa t1_j1rjo0i wrote

You have screwdrivers that you think are too good to be used for their intended purpose?


Andire OP t1_j1rof31 wrote

Ngl, I have shit screw drivers I use for dumb shit like opening paint cans cuz I never seem to have a fuckin opener when I need one lol


TheFirebyrd t1_j1s4o6f wrote

That’s pretty universal, I think. There’s definitely a paint-splattered flat head screwdriver at my house.


Styr4c t1_j1qyien wrote

Those end up in a landfill, maybe the hope is that the buyer will keep this one. I probably would


Andire OP t1_j1r2xfd wrote

Definitely keeping it! Lol


HippCelt t1_j1s0fuc wrote

but instead they went the 'building customer goodwill' way crazy huh...


TheDoktorIsIn t1_j1sfbtv wrote

Maybe the pan company partnered with a famous screwdriver company and it's cross promotion? This is only one, now OP has to go buy the rest!

Or throw it in the toolbox with a the other mismatched screwdrivers like I do.


tarmac-- t1_j1scee0 wrote

That generally gets thrown out pretty quick after use. At least I assume that's what this company was going for maybe.


qa567 t1_j1spy0v wrote

They could have just written on box SCREWDRIVER NEEDED FOR ASSEMBLY


AholeBrock t1_j1unvrs wrote

I'm sure they just bought the cheapest bulk swestshop-made screwdrivers they could find at that moment


ohhepicfail t1_j1v6dmc wrote

who cares if it’s cheaper? everyone has one. it doesn’t need to be included, it’s waste pure and simple.