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SisterBucket OP t1_j6dmwv9 wrote

Lol what? Get some decent strings and you won't have to change them that often if you don't need your guitar to sound perfect for recording or playing for an audience.

The fact that you think I'm out to trigger people is pretty telling. The elitism on this post makes me sad.

I hope that new players don't see comments like yours and think that playing guitar is a high maintenance hobby. I passed the last 2 classical music exams with this guitar. A somewhat decent guitar with cheap strings will be good enough for most beginning players for the first several years.


[deleted] t1_j6dnqxk wrote

LOL the entire comment section is saying exactly what I just did. It's not elitism, you just don't feel like maintaining your instrument the way it needs to be maintained. Elitism? Don't use me as an excuse for your laziness please, anyone who's ever owned a guitar knows there's a standard for maintenance and care if you want the instrument to maintain a full sound.

Just because you don't care that much doesn't mean this should be the new bar for quality. I hope new musicians don't see your post and think "oh, her guitar is filthy and she claims it works just fine, guess I never have to clean mine!"


[deleted] t1_j6do1jf wrote

And this is clearly a troll post, evidenced by your cheeky responses to people who constructively critique your lack of care for your instrument. Or am I misreading all of your obvious sarcasm?


SisterBucket OP t1_j6dqh0c wrote

I mean, if we're going to look at past responses then I'm not sure whether to be concerned or laugh at you.


[deleted] t1_j6dsk4h wrote

Your judgement of my history on Reddit doesn't impress or move me in the slightest, in fact it makes you look like you don't have a proper rebuttal since you feel the need to resort to pettiness. How desperate you must be, to go into someone's profile looking for dirt because you don't have an answer to their logical arguments. I think you're the one who should be pitied lol.

My critique still stands.


SisterBucket OP t1_j6dsp8i wrote

>Your judgement of my history on Reddit doesn't impress or move me in the slightest. My critique still stands.


[deleted] t1_j6du62p wrote

That makes no sense in response to what I said, I'm not judging your collective history, only this one attention seeking post. You're the one who couldn't handle the discussion and had to resort to digging through my profile for dirt lol. I'll take this as your resignation. Have the last word.


SisterBucket OP t1_j6dvpi5 wrote

Haha, go off. Don't let shit on Reddit get to you so much that you need to revisit and edit your comment to make it seem more eloquent.