Calius1337 t1_j684ojz wrote
Yeah, those are still worth 10,23€.
n1els_ph t1_j684u8r wrote
I thought 1 DM was 1 euro? So this seems a bit of a scam at the time? Or have I misremembered the value of old money?
xXPhilippXx t1_j6867pk wrote
The exchange value at the time Was 1 € for 2 Mark but after 20 years of inflation you pay roughly the same amount of € as you would have been paying Mark at the time
n1els_ph t1_j687cr0 wrote
Ah ok, due to all the public service announcements I do still remember in the Netherlands 2,20371 guilders for each euro but I mistakenly thought in Germany it was almost 1:1
Lurd67 t1_j687hob wrote
Oh I had thooooose! Well, something similar, in France. When the Euro came, my dad bought us each a mix of coins worth exactly 100FR (15.24€, somehow I still remember the exact conversion rate of 6.55957FR for 1€)
DasGhost94 t1_j6880zg wrote
10.23 euro 20dm you see on the packet
eXtc_be t1_j688n1d wrote
one of my former employers got each of its employees a similar bag of Euro coins when they were first introduced. I still have mine, also in the original packaging. I hope one day they're gonna be worth something..
grosbec_libre t1_j68anp0 wrote
The Deutsch logo is eye catching
ul2006kevinb t1_j68b885 wrote
They'll be worth at least 10.23 Euro
rtvcd t1_j68b8b7 wrote
Don't worry they'll be worth at least 10,23€! :D
(Or however much you had in your bag)
n21lv t1_j68c58g wrote
Hold on to the kit for some ten years and don't open it. The unopened kit will be worth much more than the coins inside it alone
ArtistBig2549 t1_j68ceqn wrote
when people hoard/collect some amount of money like this does it have an effect on the economy (inflation)?
wonko1980 t1_j68cj6k wrote
Back in the days I was a bank clerk selling those to the customers
JumBo_117 t1_j68duj1 wrote
They'll be worth at least 10.23 euros!
666ass999 OP t1_j68etky wrote
honestly doubt it, theres people that keep much more cash at home because they dont truat the banks (which may effect the economy) but for a little amount like this it shouldnt make much of a difference
ArtistBig2549 t1_j68kj2b wrote
thanks for the explanation, I'm not very knowledgeable about monetary system.
twentyattempts t1_j68l8q1 wrote
Yea, we also have such a package left
twentyattempts t1_j68lbx8 wrote
What are you now ?
wonko1980 t1_j68mkij wrote
I quit the job about 3 months after finishing the education on it because it there haven’t been as much chances to improve. Today I’m working for the government for about 20 years now.
d0ri- t1_j68ocky wrote
I doubt it... I think there are still too many of these stuck in some cupboard for them to be rare enough to increase in value
blueskies922 t1_j68z140 wrote
That’s pretty cool. I’d never open them lol
Ewer_won t1_j692ci6 wrote
They look like Mexican pesos
VoxulusQuarUn t1_j694lqn wrote
I had those! Took them down to the candy store. Good times.
VoxulusQuarUn t1_j694wwp wrote
People collecting small amounts of currency like this is not causing inflation. People hoarding large amounts of capital in a bank (or elsewhere) does cause inflation.
PrayForMojo_ t1_j698gfc wrote
Sadly 10,23€ is worth far less.
foufifouf t1_j698uw1 wrote
Alter Sack!
Objective_Elk8459 t1_j69aut0 wrote
Cool!! When I got mines... I dropped the 50 cent in the toilet... 😅. I was 12 years old or something. (This memory has been stuck in my head... but I finally found a good moment to share it!!).
Calius1337 t1_j69feus wrote
No, it’s not. 10,23€ = 10,23€.
19Claudio t1_j69he2s wrote
Same amount, but much less purchasing power
SkilletBillet t1_j69mh7t wrote
Not everyone understands inflation
Ilikeyourlight- t1_j69p2oi wrote
20 Deutschmark.
acdrechsler22 t1_j69tzqc wrote
That's gotta be worth some coin
Gyoza-shishou t1_j6a0k7h wrote
Also buying up properties as an investment is what destroys housing markets. As well as shorting companies on the stock market. And avoiding taxes with shady accounting practices. But remember, it's the poors who are ruining the economy!
Ilikeyourlight- t1_j6a7ipa wrote
Working for the government is just about the most ambiguous answer you could give.
wonko1980 t1_j6a7l45 wrote
It’s true, sorry
T04STY_ t1_j6a92x3 wrote
Deutsche Mark
TopAlert2383 t1_j6aawjf wrote
Hold that and pass it to your kids. Things like that are worth a lot 100 years later. Just leave a note of how you acquired them.
[deleted] t1_j6ab4v0 wrote
Nashiwa t1_j6aesbo wrote
I have the French ones as well! Still in its original packaging, taking dust in a drawer at home somewhere. I doubt they have any added value though
AnimalFew491 t1_j6ahv1p wrote
BSamson0SI t1_j6ak5u4 wrote
I still have deutsch mark laying around from when I lived in Bavaria early nineties.
biome3 t1_j6atdwh wrote
Bro I've never seen currency in its original packaging
TheBaconofGrief t1_j6ayk3c wrote
I was out on the town in Köln NYE ‘01. Went to an ATM to grab some cash. Nope. Every machine I went to had been shut down. New Year’s Day everything was up and running.
Lurd67 t1_j6b1zbh wrote
They might not be worth much more than the individual value of the coins, but they're definitely a cool piece of history.
Monsterknot t1_j6b2wgx wrote
Glory to Arstotzka
GrandmaPoses t1_j6b8sq5 wrote
Oh hi Deutsche Mark!
levelcaty t1_j6b9cy0 wrote
Tasty looking airplane food
GimmeThatRyeUOldBag t1_j6b9pba wrote
Tiger37211 t1_j6ba6rx wrote
Maybe that's what I should do with all the leftover coins I have. The bank won't change out less than $200 🙄
spectrazor404 t1_j6bo8q7 wrote
TorvicIsSanta t1_j6bve2l wrote
And therefore... Worth
sei556 t1_j6c7mpz wrote
Tell me you work for the BND without telling me you work for the BND
wonko1980 t1_j6c8ors wrote
LOL… no. It’s still finance sector, but now public finance
gigacored t1_j6c9kc2 wrote
Why did they come in a package?
wascallywabbit666 t1_j6cavx4 wrote
What's the point of saving them?
Beechtheninja t1_j6cf3xz wrote
That's going to be worth a fortune someday! Or nothing. Idk how this shit works.
Russiadontgiveafuck t1_j6cif9k wrote
Those came out shortly before Christmas and every adult in my life gave me one of these packs for Christmas. Easiest, most appreciated Christmas gift ever. I don't have any of them anymore (I was a teenager and teenagers need money), but I do still have 10 Deutsche Mark somewhere.
S-Markt t1_j6cm6gr wrote
i kept my first euro and my last d-mark. it is as old as i am and from hamburg too.
666ass999 OP t1_j6drix4 wrote
theyre actually my dads, hes holding on to it pretty tight ':)
666ass999 OP t1_j6drr6d wrote
no particular reason, probably tho just because its interesting to look at after 20 years
TopAlert2383 t1_j6ds4gt wrote
He might be holding them for you one day. If they're special to him they will be even more special to you one day.
666ass999 OP t1_j6dsasp wrote
they were handed out as starterkits so that people had a chance to get familiar with each coin, im guessing it was in a bag because it was easier to hand out that way
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