Submitted by OneUpExtraLife t3_10plteg in mildlyinteresting
Prestigious-Berry-50 t1_j6l6u60 wrote
Golden chicken flavored sauce.....gross
mrboatshoe t1_j6l79uq wrote
I bet if you eat it you'll catch Pac-Man Fever😂😂
PunnyBaker t1_j6l7dff wrote
I bet it doesn't taste as good as blue chickens though
Absurdist02 t1_j6l7jox wrote
Dare you to eat it.
TabascoWolverine t1_j6l7o43 wrote
Dammit! Just came here to say the exact thing.
CptCheerios t1_j6l7pxg wrote
I double dog dare them to eat it!
35Lcrowww t1_j6l7sg6 wrote
I wouldn't mind trying it, if it was new. Probably great with garlic bread after an edible
Absurdist02 t1_j6l80h8 wrote
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6l8289 wrote
It's old stock obviously but it's brand new(unopened). Garlic bread sounds great.
Numerous-Afternoon89 t1_j6l896q wrote
Seeing ghosts for sure
Trickery1688 t1_j6l8n87 wrote
The pasta already looked 39 years old at the time the photo was taken.
Celena_J_W t1_j6l8zj9 wrote
Œ was a letter back then!
eternally_feral t1_j6l93rg wrote
The pasta looks like Cheerios…
[deleted] t1_j6l95in wrote
MyRandomCreations t1_j6l9atz wrote
Mmm squishy Cheerios
KnudsonRegime t1_j6l9s8z wrote
It tastes exactly like SpaghettiOs Goldfish.
FriedScrapple t1_j6lapgp wrote
I triple dog dare them!!!
revtim t1_j6lb234 wrote
Golden chicken flavored sauce does *not* sound palatable
dbbost t1_j6lb47j wrote
That chicken was probably born in 1983. That's crazy to think about
FastWalkingShortGuy t1_j6lblul wrote
Do it.
roadhammer2 t1_j6lc2ms wrote
Eat it!
ZeroHeroXero t1_j6lc4rl wrote
Had to double take, as I thought I almost saw amongus.
BobbyFilet17 t1_j6lcji8 wrote
And? How was it?
cpureset t1_j6lco15 wrote
That was my assessment at the time. I wanted to want them. But gross.
a_phantom_limb t1_j6ld1f9 wrote
I remember this stuff! I think it was my favorite when I was little.
smurfsundermybed t1_j6ld8tf wrote
Buckner Garcia just did a happy dance. There were no survivors.
zstandig t1_j6ldbd4 wrote
theevilyouknow t1_j6ldoif wrote
Well. How’d it taste?
TAU_equals_2PI t1_j6ldp6m wrote
Although it won't have any microbes in it (assuming the can is still completely sealed), it'll look and taste awful. Sealed cans only serve as a barrier to germs. They're not some kind of time-halting magic chamber. Chemical reactions still proceed inside. There's a reason manufacturers eventually started stamping "Best Before" dates on them. And no, it wasn't to fool people into throwing out perfectly good 10-year-old cans of food.
(Source: Have opened 5- and 10-year-old canned foods many times while living with a hoarder.)
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6ldp99 wrote
Didn't eat it. Just trying to share a bit of preserved food history here. But every time one of these goes up everyone's like "eat it!" LOL.
ReginaldSP t1_j6ldtam wrote
Amygdalailama t1_j6ldxai wrote
Chef Boy•Ar•Dee made the dish when he was 39. He’s now 78 and retired and sells Better Marriage blankets at the Florida Agritourism Association HQ in Tallahassee for beer money.
eternalankh t1_j6ldzhx wrote
please don't eat that
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6le3qy wrote
Yes, my concern is that anything with liquid inside will start to absorb metal atoms of the container's lining over time.
Did you eat the food from the 5, 10 year old cans?
ReginaldSP t1_j6le56a wrote
never mind.
it's just golden chicken flavored.
TAU_equals_2PI t1_j6le7bz wrote
"1983?! It's much older than that. Why, 39 years ago was... Oh... Never mind... Just gonna go start shopping for funeral plots."
blahbleh112233 t1_j6lec6i wrote
Yeah theres YouTube videos of people trying Billy beer and such. I think you can soak your tongue in it for a little whilr and that's about it
BobbyFilet17 t1_j6leffz wrote
Lol I figured you didn't. Was a tongue in cheek comment. That's a very cool find though! Never seen that before
TAU_equals_2PI t1_j6lehw9 wrote
No, it looked way too discolored and gross. And it wasn't even uniformly discolored.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6les74 wrote
Could be, the can was made in 19784.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lf65z wrote
Whoa cool! Do you remember what the "golden" flavor was like?
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lfadv wrote
The voices are overwhelming.
doodyman42 t1_j6lfjxy wrote
a_phantom_limb t1_j6lfq7z wrote
Not really, I'm afraid! I was maybe four years old at the time. But I do remember that there were a few different flavors, one of which had little meatballs that looked like Pac-Man's Power Pellets.
Ah, I just found a page about it.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lg0vx wrote
Lol sometimes though I can't help but imagine what a can like that would be worth to someone living in Walking Dead times or some post apocalyptic scenario where food is really scarce.
[deleted] t1_j6lga6v wrote
Birblets t1_j6lggkp wrote
is it weird that i kinda wanna see whats inside
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lgsk1 wrote
Awesome! That video was a nice little trip back in time.
suicidefeburary62025 t1_j6lhbvc wrote
Sheeeit. I remember those. There was a cereal too! And a cartoon, and candy, and ….
emilysn0w t1_j6lhobb wrote
Oh yum! Those were so good!
thrillcosbey t1_j6li1e7 wrote
Collect all 3 flavors. Def not edible.
Foreign_Ebb_6282 t1_j6li2jx wrote
Or blue waffles!
Training-Blacksmith2 t1_j6li366 wrote
It's definitely not edible as the cans dented near the seal, but it's still super cool!
No_Letterhead_4788 t1_j6li6zz wrote
Let's get this out on a tray!! Hmmm... Nice hiss
Meat_Sause t1_j6lirgn wrote
This is a threat lol
-CA- t1_j6ljbyj wrote
Let’s get that onto a tray… nice!
lordyeti t1_j6ljreh wrote
I've eaten 60 year old crackers and energy pellets from a fallout shelter at my high school. I couldn't fathom eating something liquid that old though.
czarrina t1_j6ljy1e wrote
To be frank, you can miss me entirely with "CHICKEN FLAVORED SAUCE" I'm not hungry anymore.
Pikafishy t1_j6lk1j3 wrote
If you open that, we’re all dead
phish_phace t1_j6lk8y2 wrote
I felt that. And it fucking hurt, ok?
Mindful-O-Melancholy t1_j6lkgid wrote
Let’s get this out onto a tray
abagelwithswag t1_j6lkq6b wrote
here it is.
cheezfreek t1_j6llhj0 wrote
If I eat this, will I turn inside out and then blink out of existence?
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lmfix wrote
Happy to share! Thanks for checking it out🙏🏻👍🏻
DoofusMagnus t1_j6lmkrw wrote
This would be at home on a certain brown couch.
mtdewelf t1_j6lmuk3 wrote
LA Beast here.
THISisMYalterEGOacct t1_j6lnzfa wrote
So it would looks 78 years now? Oh my god..
Alan_Smithee_ t1_j6loi3i wrote
Soggy Cheerios.
Dependent_Top_4425 t1_j6lolh6 wrote
EWWW but I kinda want some. Looks like soggy Cheerios, a childhood fave.
pacwess t1_j6lom4o wrote
Eat it!
Putircustos t1_j6lonmv wrote
B_P_G t1_j6loqug wrote
I wonder what golden chicken flavored sauce was. I didn't think Chef Boyardee ever made anything except tomato sauce.
LeaCTrockboys t1_j6loz9a wrote
Ah yes, authentic Italian Golden Chicken Sauce with Pac Man pasta. Just like my nonna used to make in Naples!
ddh85 t1_j6lpa57 wrote
Times infinity!
sailor_sega_saturn t1_j6lpkli wrote
A reddit user ate 39 year old pac-man chicken pasta. This is what happened to his nervous system.
freedom781 t1_j6lpssb wrote
I remember it too, or some other type off the core offerings that had a non-red sauce.
LEET-HAX0RZ t1_j6lpy5u wrote
Nice hiss! Alright, let's get this out onto a tray.
DBL_NDRSCR t1_j6lqh7p wrote
kwecl2 t1_j6lqnyy wrote
Chicken? 🤢
HumpieDouglas t1_j6lrp73 wrote
Let's get this out onto a tray...
Clerk_Additional t1_j6lsha6 wrote
Time traveling can
The_Betrayer1 t1_j6lsj6n wrote
Steve knows if a can hisses its never nice.
NoOne-57 t1_j6lts5z wrote
For a second I thought pacman was just eating this letter. Œ
chickenlaaag t1_j6ltvnf wrote
It this is the same kind that we had in Canada, it was just like chicken noodle soup. I used to call it Pac-Man soup.
infinitebrkfst t1_j6ltx17 wrote
What about golden chicken flavored sauce though?
No_Letterhead_4788 t1_j6lty02 wrote
I reckon he would give this a go
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lu34h wrote
Ah that's it! I was trying to figure out what the pasta in the photo reminded me of.. it's the noodle from a can of chicken noodle soup. It all makes sense now! And it sounds delicious.
YogBlogsoth1066 t1_j6lu55d wrote
Safe to eat??
Chickenskillpeople t1_j6lvfa0 wrote
Yes that is mildly interesting
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lvr7a wrote
A. Keep it intact as a collector's item?
B. Make a video showing what's inside and share it with the world?
Input welcome.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lvtpc wrote
Are you the Golden Chicken returned?
Arainthus t1_j6lwa2l wrote
Mmmm... Nostalgic botulism!
AGuyWithAName2 t1_j6lwus6 wrote
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6lwzef wrote
Beats effective altruism.
Meepzors t1_j6lxyoo wrote
Found a link from 2015, seems to have held up well, surprisingly not disintegrated. Looks gross but I don't imagine it looked that great to begin with...
NoRoomForSanity t1_j6lya1j wrote
So don’t fuck the can?
cerealport t1_j6lybn1 wrote
I had a similarly aged box of Kraft dinner / Mac’n’cheese I posted here.I eventually opened it - the cheese packet smell was startlingly bad, very glad I not only didn’t eat it but didn’t give it to someone else to eat.
I did however send the box for free to this guy, as he evidently collects them…!
Who knows, maybe there is a similar chef-boy-ar-dee can connoisseur!
CyanideFlavorAid t1_j6lycgz wrote
Send to Rhett and Link to eat
NoRoomForSanity t1_j6lycj3 wrote
If you eat it you’ll be seeing ghosts alright.
foureight84 t1_j6lz0q4 wrote
Kekoa_ok t1_j6m0bpb wrote
Had to double take for amogus
BHRobots t1_j6m0w5f wrote
Amogus with an, uh, extra leg
gumby1004 t1_j6m1774 wrote
The pasta WAS 39 years old at the time the photo was taken.
Wuntoothrie t1_j6m1d10 wrote
I definitely ate that in the 80s
ironroad18 t1_j6m4i9b wrote
This is Reddit, you don't fuck stuff
You cram it up your ass
Raps4Reddit t1_j6m4j7g wrote
Serving suggestion: use a spoon.
JohnEbic t1_j6m53qy wrote
Wait a second what is he putting in his mouth
Ghosttalker96 t1_j6m5ufb wrote
GOLDEN CHICKEN flavored sauce. So it doesn't contain chicken, right?
Anwhaz t1_j6m5yc6 wrote
r/Ashens would love this.
phriskiii t1_j6m6j3j wrote
Consume High Beam
chris-tier t1_j6m8ow2 wrote
Bold of you to assume there's real chicken in there. It's "golden chicken flavoured" after all.
Not_Funny_Luigi t1_j6mankc wrote
Ninjachase13 t1_j6mb3ij wrote
Appropriate username.
Inhuman_Machine t1_j6mbixw wrote
Ashens would love this.
gynoceros t1_j6mch9y wrote
I remember having had it but not anything about what it tasted like, which means it was not awful.
[deleted] t1_j6mcmd2 wrote
Effective-Pangolin83 t1_j6mcvxj wrote
Chicken as old as the old gods
Supersnazz t1_j6me2th wrote
Babe, are you OK? You've barely touched your... whatever the fuck this shit is
Dweepper t1_j6me9z6 wrote
What did it taste like?
bionic_cmdo t1_j6mjayv wrote
You mean the chicken flavored sauce doesn't make your mouth water?
Equivalent_Order1707 t1_j6mjfs6 wrote
Lead content:📈📈📈📈
ManBat007 t1_j6mjopj wrote
Chef won't judge.
zman0313 t1_j6mjszn wrote
Has it really been 40 years since they stopped making golden chickens
TheBaconofGrief t1_j6ml4z9 wrote
Yellow paint with MSG.
[deleted] t1_j6mlhcp wrote
Frankjc3rd t1_j6mlhda wrote
It's interesting that they had 15 oz cans 39 years ago. There is a theory out the window that I almost had.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6monam wrote
What's the theory?
Frankjc3rd t1_j6mp685 wrote
Shrinking of portions over time.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6mpl2g wrote
That's happened for sure with certain things though. Like a can of tuna for example. Used to be 8oz/can, now it's like 5-6oz/can.
TheStig15 t1_j6mqoge wrote
cpullen53484 t1_j6mr14w wrote
if you eat it you'll start seeing ghosts.
MoistLobst3r t1_j6msw3b wrote
That pac man looks like he's about to light up a cigarette and sell me a tincture from under his trench coat then as I walk away he'd mutter " yeassss another sucka born every minute"
strawberry_space_jam t1_j6mt3n2 wrote
Have a good day!
WillemDafoesHugeCock t1_j6mtu97 wrote
I just flew a can of that into New York and Boyardees arms tired.
ConsumeYourBleach t1_j6mtugm wrote
“Nice hiss”
morgan423 t1_j6mu8mt wrote
Shrinkflation is a very real phenomenon.
trymorecookies t1_j6mup5r wrote
I forgot that there was already a universally known game character before Mario.
Sonyguyus t1_j6mv2h8 wrote
TheInfernalVortex t1_j6mw5wb wrote
That’s where the golden eggs come from.
ProbablyABore t1_j6mwss1 wrote
Oh shit I remember these lol. They had a Saturday morning cartoon out at the same time.
ProbablyABore t1_j6mwwbm wrote
Dad.... Is that you?
ProbablyABore t1_j6mx59o wrote
The commercial lol
Urmumzabam t1_j6mxnhh wrote
Miserable_Coffee6937 t1_j6mxqql wrote
I love chubby emu.
bxsephjo t1_j6mxv41 wrote
Wait, it’s a ghost!
JustAnotherTrickyDay t1_j6mza7c wrote
Regular chicken flavor? Meh. But Golden Chicken Flavor? Oh yeah!
czarrina t1_j6mzqcc wrote
That changes things. I'm intrigued now.
trundlinggrundle t1_j6n1r2r wrote
No, it's real chicken, it's just 'mechanically separated chicken pieces', which is code for 'boiled leftover chicken carcasses'. Same process they use to make chicken broth.
flock-of-bagels t1_j6n1rlo wrote
My mom used to make this for me. It was gross but I liked Pac-Man
627269616E t1_j6n1y46 wrote
What a find! My historical/nutrition side is curious on what the ingredients say, is it full of chemicals that are now banned or anything?
I'm not going to lie, I kind of want that, but it looks like it could be worth a decent penny to the right collector.
iAmUnintelligible t1_j6n2eow wrote
mushy cheerios
DingleBerrieIcecream t1_j6n2esg wrote
It’s chicken “flavored” which means there is no real chicken in the can.
iAmUnintelligible t1_j6n2lnn wrote
you sound like u spend a lot of time at the FAAHQ so FAAHQ off
Chickenskillpeople t1_j6n4irh wrote
Yes I may or may not be The GC
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6n5aq5 wrote
Here you go, pics of the back of the can:
Most people here seem to want me to eat it but I'm not sure about that. But I am thinking of opening the can up to show everyone what it looks like inside if people are interested.
627269616E t1_j6n6m8c wrote
Oh wow, that is old school. Thank you! I definitely wouldn't eat that. I'm no scientist but I'd guess that some of the can would be dissolved into the food.
Kinky-Bi-Guy t1_j6n9lyd wrote
Kinky-Bi-Guy t1_j6n9quw wrote
soggy chicken flavored cheerios
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6nai9i wrote
Yes that's a real concern because the metal does dissolve slowly into water, especially with the salt content. If I do open it, I might just take a little taste to see what it's like. After all this can might be the very last of its kind in existence.
Filan1 t1_j6nbt0a wrote
As a kid who ate this stuff once it twice, it tasted like it was 39 years old as well.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6nbtgr wrote
Oops, meant 1984.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6nbyam wrote
Seems like it's actually 1982 though.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6ngw1h wrote
Photoshop wasn't invented yet😥
mudddober1 t1_j6nkgd0 wrote
I remember eating those when i was little. Back when toys came in cereal boxes.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6nlhav wrote
Those were the days..😩
elspotto t1_j6nm7kp wrote
Soggy golden chicken flavored cheerios
x16900 t1_j6no60u wrote
First thing I thought of. Lol
mudddober1 t1_j6nob5i wrote
I hear ya. Saturday cartoons till noon. Damn i miss them days.
x16900 t1_j6now0a wrote
I worked in a house once that had several boxes of cake mix and a few cans of various foods that all expired in the 80s. Just sitting in their pantry right behind a few newer things. Very odd.
AhpexTwin t1_j6npmbx wrote
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6nqfgj wrote
Yes.. fond memories. Wake up at 6am before anyone else, sneak downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bowl, milk, spoon, box of Cap'n Crunch, and settle in in front of the tube.
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6nqndj wrote
Smurfs, Silver Hawks, Jonny Quest, etc
Lophophora_virgo t1_j6o0tfs wrote
The forbidden noods
Lophophora_virgo t1_j6o0v6g wrote
Looks like cereal
mudddober1 t1_j6o504m wrote
Haha. Hell yeah. That me to the letter. Nothing batter than the Cap'n.
mudddober1 t1_j6o552y wrote
Hell yes. Thundercats, visionaries, he man, m.a.s.k. I want to go back haha.
chi2ny56 t1_j6o72mf wrote
I used to eat this stuff all the time when I was little. It was really good! They had red and green cans too, which where like Spaghetti-O's and Spaghetti-O's with meatballs, but this one was by far the best.
There were little games on the inside of the label too, so sometimes my mom would peel it off and give it to me.
khayla0815 t1_j6oekei wrote
looks like fukkin cheerios in a can bruv
tastygrowth t1_j6oqu0d wrote
I bet it tastes as good as it did the day it was made!
olde_greg t1_j6oznep wrote
I had it when I was a kid. This and a glass of five alive. I was living the life.
Dr-Retz t1_j6paogi wrote
Taste it.
[deleted] t1_j6pb2bo wrote
OneUpExtraLife OP t1_j6pi15s wrote
They were back there curing nicely.
MyRandomCreations t1_j6l6u3e wrote
Legitimately surprised to see a realistic image of the food on the can. Looks…not great