Submitted by luielvi t3_126jw1g
Submitted by poorman_is_me t3_126i67b
Submitted by Antilumpi t3_125zwhr
Submitted by HeadfulOfGhosts t3_126wgkt
Submitted by Logical_Scientist221 t3_125p0gg
Submitted by I-Was_Never-Here t3_126bxe0
This bottled water’s primary marketing is that it goes straight from the sewage treatment plant to your mouth.
Submitted by Asteroth6 t3_1256rdb
Submitted by Evan1016 t3_125rwio
Submitted by Tlazohtlalia t3_125xwh1
Submitted by Bara_Chat t3_1253p6w
Submitted by unbanneduser t3_125vv23
Submitted by StJohnsFan t3_126p2in
Submitted by ContemplativePebble t3_126pg0b
Submitted by ChumFum t3_126jsm5
Submitted by SAT0725 t3_126bino
Submitted by 33Stickers33 t3_1268zut
Submitted by eanardone t3_126nbyi
Submitted by Adrianw17 t3_12662oo
Submitted by TheKingrover t3_1263cnh
This NYC MTA sign is misspelt. The street name is Roosevelt Ave— other signs in the area are correct.
Submitted by TheGreatMastermind t3_1262ubf
Submitted by AssumptionWinter4442 t3_125dq8c
Submitted by suhmarine t3_125sris
Submitted by SirVesa413 t3_1266nn1
Submitted by Daemonrealm t3_125co8w
Submitted by TabascoWolverine t3_1266vd8