Submitted by givemeallthemangos t3_1259akk
Submitted by tadman1996 t3_125zb5s
Submitted by PM_ME_YR_BOOPS t3_125cenx
Submitted by SolarcatStarshine t3_126826i
Submitted by ZKK161820 t3_1266c4r
Submitted by QuantityExpert4349 t3_122uqj3
Submitted by can_ya_dont t3_125o3nk
Submitted by Hellomynameis1000 t3_1258sp3
Saw a McDonald’s sauce with two nails held together quite deliberately by rubber bands impaled into it
Submitted by Scako t3_1257jal
Submitted by phalanxHydra t3_125imhj
Mini Snickers in Spain are actually miniature versions of full-size Snickers, not stubby Snickers like in the USA
Submitted by djublonskopf t3_125kesx
Submitted by TheBlacktom t3_125x0g8
Submitted by ItsMehRuby t3_124cmvl
Submitted by RasmusTheVagabond t3_1258go4
Submitted by Candid-Race-4876 t3_12581z4
Submitted by Average_Toaster19 t3_125wy5h
Submitted by dragon-fruity t3_1248ktp
Submitted by Meteorsaresexy t3_123lsbl
Submitted by Hefty-Set5236 t3_1256x5l
Submitted by sirsmokesalotCM2 t3_124u6ou
Submitted by casc1701 t3_125qr5i
Submitted by PadillaSPN t3_125lfe8
Submitted by kevbosearle t3_124db5u
Submitted by ArtOfThinking t3_125o472
Submitted by dementiadaddy t3_124uxze