Submitted by Ricky---Spanish t3_127n2kx
Submitted by iantochiw t3_127k78d
Submitted by Kwiercyski t3_127ss0a
Submitted by VikingLiam t3_127mm81
Submitted by weaselbird t3_127n3oq
Submitted by mehtulupurazz t3_12733ye
Submitted by coldlikedeath t3_1272fmq
Submitted by exciter33 t3_126z8fl
Submitted by AnalystOfData t3_126kz8w
Submitted by rasta4eye t3_1276v2q
Submitted by howsretirementgoing t3_127eyik
Submitted by ___teddy t3_127iswz
Submitted by skiboy12312 t3_125sncd
Submitted by Jacob-B-Goode t3_127qdbe
Submitted by BaguetteOfDoom t3_11yeya2
Submitted by bobrep t3_127qkxd
Submitted by charlesteacher t3_1279an2
Submitted by GPGmortadela t3_1273sgq
Submitted by Kwiercyski t3_127r7xr
My wife and I have the same peeling method, but different chirality, even though we are both right-handed.
Submitted by Joscience t3_127sb7s
This larger than average (for LA) spider I found in my bathtub when I went to take a shower this morning
Submitted by finnjakefionnacake t3_1266s1j
Submitted by helloimwes t3_125m3gc
Submitted by JustAnotherShitshow t3_127kuwv
Submitted by VVynn t3_1266n2b
Submitted by TheRtHonLaqueesha t3_126zs7o