Submitted by PadillaSPN t3_125lfe8
Submitted by alleyehave t3_1234ooa
Submitted by NovaFalcon_Vr t3_1223qpx
Submitted by porcelainvacation t3_11xyd31
Submitted by Fc-chungus t3_1216fjx
Submitted by JustAnotherShitshow t3_127kuwv
Submitted by Narwahater t3_1283f07
Submitted by Jacob-B-Goode t3_127qdbe
Submitted by PM_ME_KITTYNIPPLES t3_11x588k
Submitted by SomeDumper t3_120rc50
This larger than average (for LA) spider I found in my bathtub when I went to take a shower this morning
Submitted by finnjakefionnacake t3_1266s1j
Saw a McDonald’s sauce with two nails held together quite deliberately by rubber bands impaled into it
Submitted by Scako t3_1257jal
Mini Snickers in Spain are actually miniature versions of full-size Snickers, not stubby Snickers like in the USA
Submitted by djublonskopf t3_125kesx
Submitted by unbanneduser t3_125vv23
Submitted by Kwiercyski t3_127r7xr
Submitted by exciter33 t3_126z8fl
Submitted by Fbiagent3425 t3_127tsjw
Submitted by dementiadaddy t3_124uxze
Submitted by bifishologist t3_11g3hmf
Submitted by r_compton t3_11gbasn
Submitted by ChrisRising t3_11h5yla
Submitted by mcawesomecrazy t3_11h8ct5
Submitted by SharingSmiles t3_11hyhsp
Submitted by mumzspaghetti t3_11i1ob4
Submitted by TheRepeatTautology t3_11iw8qi