Submitted by Sixty4Fairlane t3_126yi8b
Submitted by tankkiller127 t3_11elbxt
Submitted by Pro_96 t3_zza61f
Submitted by Porque_es_muy_rapido t3_z3yhrv
Submitted by trollcole t3_10nma93
Submitted by manicmeninges t3_10hlsrv
Submitted by Got_ist_tots t3_11wtdj2
My country has put warnings in CocaCola reading "Excess in Sugar" and "Contains caffeine, avoid in children"
Submitted by aM3o03 t3_z8vmfs
Submitted by Welshonator t3_yujvkw
Submitted by Forgeworld t3_127xy6z
Submitted by The_Mr_Yeah t3_118cyt5
Submitted by Czarcasm3 t3_10p7epn
Submitted by Knooblegooble t3_11ejklk
Submitted by wildo83 t3_123v4zz
Submitted by AnalystOfData t3_126kz8w
Submitted by nogriffin t3_yigidw
Submitted by raspberryscum t3_zy63nk
Submitted by Logical_Scientist221 t3_125p0gg
Submitted by superpositioned t3_z3d2br
Submitted by chupathingy99 t3_z6mp3u
Submitted by hotblueice t3_11bonl6
Submitted by crabapplelilwayne t3_124i7oj
My wife’s clock uses LEDs to illuminate individual pieces of glass with numbers to display the time.
Submitted by Zocalo_Photo t3_zyqe1f
Submitted by egordoniv t3_ztnoml
Submitted by Glades_road t3_z7y8i7