Submitted by AeroFX t3_yh8la1
Submitted by RoneWissler t3_127wyyz
Submitted by [deleted] t3_126f376
Submitted by Bernieisbabyyoda t3_10pbhta
Submitted by BabyYodaIsGod42069 t3_10oqmpp
Submitted by SantasLilSlut t3_10mrpli
Submitted by slipperystevenson69 t3_10nrn2d
Submitted by BigBongTheory123 t3_zzgxuc
Submitted by ItDoesntMatter59 t3_ygv0dd
The letters on the on the label have become disconnected from the plastic, you can move them around individually. Found it like this in my bag.
Submitted by SpunkyTissues t3_yh18cf
Submitted by TR0B3R t3_11ec495
Submitted by Consti t3_10004am
Submitted by PossibleFeedback4917 t3_zyucab
The platform bedframe I bought came with all the packing stryofoam wrapped in plastic to prevent it from getting all over when building it.
Submitted by PretendCollege t3_zzh8to
Submitted by httpecoli t3_z5btie
Submitted by paulH2Os t3_z5ennn
Submitted by InsomniaticIntellect t3_z7jwaa
Submitted by enewol t3_yhff7o
Submitted by nutlikeothersquirls t3_120s7wo
Submitted by taxiecabbie t3_126ht6i
Submitted by VeryLastBison t3_10pykxj
Submitted by ImaginaryHorrors t3_10q0aaj
Submitted by psygnius t3_zxhtx4
Submitted by -The-Yellow-Dart- t3_zyr19q
Submitted by clichenoir t3_zylplw