Submitted by DiscordBondsmith t3_z7lt88
Submitted by Cheddarburger21 t3_z3poqz
Submitted by RealBlazeDragonfist t3_yir4zj
Submitted by okbreeze t3_yehpun
Submitted by Initial_Regret_8150 t3_yhl0ef
Submitted by pilrag t3_yhmrz2
Submitted by IcyHotRyan t3_125779a
Submitted by KerchBridgeSmoker t3_1250ap6
Submitted by The_Littlest_Teapot t3_1226ali
Submitted by JacobFlink99 t3_11zr94e
Submitted by brother_p t3_11yjzra
Submitted by Chases-Bears t3_11x09en
Submitted by pgold05 t3_11wivmw
Submitted by untoldmillions t3_11w4ttd
Submitted by JP51MW t3_11ust2t
Submitted by ruufsu t3_11u1c7c
Submitted by ottolotto1 t3_11t3y26
Submitted by multiversesimulation t3_11rfzav
Submitted by TurboTBag t3_11r77nd
Submitted by yearlyearly t3_11qbbmr
Submitted by CompetitiveDrip t3_11pukbg
Submitted by cuddle_enthusiast t3_11oskv9
In Korean subway stations you can see large clean surfaces without people drawing on it or damaging it in anyway.
Submitted by Droiddoesyourmom t3_11ntw2f
The local neighborhood Walmart has orange juice that expired 4 and 1 month ago, on shelf. Today’s date is 3/8/23.
Submitted by PositiveEquipment941 t3_11meq9j
My daughter has had a red mark on her cheek for years, in the exact same spot I had a red mark on my cheek for years as a child.
Submitted by ArnoldBoneheadRimmer t3_11lbnfp