Submitted by TheCuddleCactus t3_z4naed
Submitted by simo_nahh t3_127j01u
Submitted by LMHConcepts t3_10kklix
Submitted by ipaintandgrow t3_yf6yk1
Some of the first Euro coins from when they first got introduced to Germany, still in its original packaging
Submitted by 666ass999 t3_10ndo4q
Submitted by OneUpExtraLife t3_10plteg
Submitted by SisterBucket t3_10nc9wi
Submitted by sadieperson t3_1002066
Submitted by LuxAlpha t3_z6f25c
Submitted by YouSnigle t3_10q5eq5
Submitted by Chaeix t3_125slx4
This packet of eggs came with a sticker regarding the chickens housing welfare due to a new packaging law
Submitted by HoogerMan t3_11wljfn
This business just puts their open, empty cash tray on display to deter theft while they’re closed for holidays.
Submitted by mpworth t3_zxlznt
Submitted by Ravenclaw_14 t3_z7iqd9
My neighbor keeps a giant skeleton in their front yard all year round and decorates it up for different holidays
Submitted by sneakybrownoser t3_1270gk3
Submitted by Jeronimoooooo t3_z8ay1t
Submitted by mdh_4783 t3_zzlls4
Submitted by Larssmaller t3_zvdiyz
Submitted by PmMeYourTitsAndToes t3_yhr74o
Submitted by DjohariDjohariah t3_zx4brc
Submitted by starsky1357 t3_1261occ
Submitted by CuteFart97 t3_123qnsi
Submitted by Pedrao_zao t3_11a76qq
Submitted by teachdove5000 t3_11c3rwx
This candy store in Vancouver leaves their empty cash register drawer on display after hours to deter break-ins.
Submitted by PapaCologne t3_127vblh