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Greedy-Loss9030 t1_jac74tw wrote

I say once a spoiler has become part of pop-culture. Like the big secret of The Crying Game which no one could shut up about back then, despite critics appeals to discretion. A better example is the "I am your father" quote from The Empire Strikes Back which has become so embedded in pop-culture to the point where people who haven't seen the film will know what you're talking about.


microwavedhottakes OP t1_jac7hh3 wrote

I do like the "until it becomes a meme" measure of time. Some things never reach that status, so should always be flagged.


OlynykDidntFoulLove t1_jadyybm wrote

Then again we also get major plot points turned memes immediately these days, like Avengers: Infinity War had snap memes everyone the same day it came out.