Submitted by secnull t3_11c1gq5 in movies

Knock at the Cabin.

Is this not just a movie about "god" killing everyone, because two men got married? They provided a loving home for a young girl. Why is it that As long as one of the parents kill themselves the world is saved? Might of been better propaganda if the couple let the world end because of love for their family..(gay love)



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zenejinzorin t1_ja12nfi wrote

I thought the movie was pretty bad in general. Night writes dialogue in a way no humans talk. Worst of all, it was so forward. No twist to be had.


SaulsAll t1_ja12umd wrote

Definitely would have been a better message if the four were trials to test them, and their refusal even in the face of the world ending was the correct answer. Shyamalan is really hit or miss and this one felt like a miss. Might have worked as a 30 minute anthology episode. Maybe Outer Limits tier, not quite deserving of Twilight Zone.

Bautista did fine, but wasnt really exceptional. Just showing he's able to play more than walking muscle.


QUEST50012 t1_ja13eju wrote

It is pretty bad, but I disagree with OP that it's propaganda. I don't even think M Night is very religious, his changes to the book are more in line with consistent themes in his filmography.


jamesneysmith t1_ja199wt wrote

They make a point of saying it has nothing to do with the couple being gay. They're just a random couple with a child that is the object of God's current sacrificial bloodlust. The horrific act of God extends far beyond anything to do with the sexual preference of the victims. God is just a jerk in general in the movie


robotmask67 t1_ja19skf wrote

This comment contains spoilers: It was well acted and the direction was good but the premise, in my opinion, was bullshit. Enough with the gays getting bashed (in the flashback), rejected by their parents, tied up, made to observe people murdering each other, etc. It's an old trope that making gays suffer in film humanizes them to straight audiences, who then magically overcome their homophobia. I'm so over it. I get that gay visibility is good I'm just not into watching them suffer and die a noble death to save humanity.


TeeFitts t1_ja1d0oy wrote

So what's the option of having gay representation in horror movies? If they can't be villains, and they can't be victims, and they can't be heroes, what's left?

Equality means everyone gets to play any of those roles. >!And surely a film where a gay man prevents the apocalypse, thus saving the world out of an act of love for his husband and daughter, is about the most positive representation you can get.!<


TeeFitts t1_ja1de5k wrote

The same could be said about Tarantino, David Mamet, Wes Anderson, Yorgos Lanthimos.

In fact, outside Mumblecore, most movie dialog in general is nothing at all like how real people talk.


robotmask67 t1_ja1ebqe wrote

They can be anything anyone wants them to be. Being sick of watching gay characters suffer doesn't equal me saying gay characters can't be something. I'm expressing an opinion about this particular movie.


TeeFitts t1_ja1efm7 wrote

Does the movie even mention God? I took it to be more of a cosmic event. Like nature or the universe requiring humans to sacrifice themselves as an act of pure love to justify the continuation of the human race, which is otherwise destructive.

The "four horsemen" surrogates say that families have been forced to make a sacrifice for generations, and that their visions only brought them to the cabin, and didn't show them who would be in it. So it's not personal for them. They're following the instructions they've been given.

Weird that you think it's propaganda just because it's got a gay married couple as the protagonists. Not sure what you're implying here. Would your response to the subject matter have been different if it had been about a straight couple?


TheDood715 t1_ja1j27h wrote

Leonard said he believes they were chosen because their love is so pure and if you see who amongst them dies its the person who despite seeing the flaws of humanity did all he could to maintain his pureness and belief in people.

Feels like its sort of a cycle where this occasionally happens as a test of humanity and this time it just so happened to be a gay couple.

Leonard even said he didn't know they were a same sex couple when they were compelled to the cabin and everyone else in his group was quick to condemn their actions as targeted bigotry.


TheDood715 t1_ja2ufdj wrote

Kinda accurate given his old testament stuff.

Kill your son or you don't love me, making bets with Satan over cities being corrupted, sending bears to kill those kids for making fun of his bald friend.

God is one two fists gin joint bouncer and he made us in his image.


Dinky_Nuts t1_ja3idej wrote

Is it just me or are people getting stupider about understanding and comprehending movies? Jesus. The brain rot.


NorthernBibliophile t1_ja4c1go wrote

The book by Paul Tremblay has a vastly different ending - you might enjoy that more.


HarvestEmperor t1_ja4gper wrote

Yes exactly shamalamadyne hates penises in buttholes

The planes falling from the sky represent little seamans that never made it to an egg (the sun)

The daughter is asian because he is saying that asians are made from sinful anal sex between two men

Ron hates gay people because he cant get over how good it felt to have harry deep in his ass

You solved it. Good job.



NotTyreseMaxey t1_ja4v5ug wrote

This film is LOADED with propaganda. Homosexuality, Religion, PC, adoption.

I don’t believe this had much to do with the orientation of the dudes. Idgaf what anyone is, man, woman, religious, agnostic, atheist, gay, straight, trans etc. Just be a good person. Just be kind and loving to others. Raise your children the same way. Stop the propaganda. Stop causing our children to grow in a world where skin color, and who people sleep with, is the end all to what their character is.

You move next to me, you’re getting a fucking pie and cookies. I could care less what holiday you celebrate most.


jonah379 t1_ja5f4dc wrote

They’re gay for a lot of reasons but the main one being that it makes it even harder for them to believe the 4 horsemen are telling the truth.

Makes the movie a lot more interesting imo, wouldn’t have worked nearly as well otherwise.