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antonimbus t1_ja3k87a wrote

ADR stands for Automated Dialogue Replacement. This is the process of recording dialogue in a studio after filming to replace the initially recorded lines on set. This is usually due to bad sound quality recorded in the take that production wants to use in the finished product


andrewfromx OP t1_ja3nvdt wrote

but I swear in 2017 it was a very normal movie, good sound but all the original actor voices and NOT dubbed i.e. their lips moved correctly to what they were saying. But this version every single actor's voice had been replaced and none of the lips moved to the dialogue correctly.


BreakintotheTrees t1_ja3sez7 wrote

Maybe when you watched it the second time the audio track was a bit off.


andrewfromx OP t1_ja3u0eg wrote

ha no you could tell the new actors doing the voices where not native English speakers.