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jimboslice_007 t1_j9exeus wrote

I came here just to make sure Weird Al's movie was on the list.


MisterBigDude t1_j9exi1q wrote

I’ve really enjoyed several of the films on that list. But my favorite musical biopic is actually a documentary: Thunder Soul, about a groundbreaking high school band director in the 1970s. It shows how he and his students smashed society’s expectations in that era, and the enormous and enduring influence he had on their lives. Tremendously moving and inspiring — plus it features lots of funky music.


Canmore-Skate t1_j9f01ui wrote

As it was a pretty long and not that bad list it was disappointing to see that Bertrand taverniers excellent Round Midnight wasnt on it.


MisterBigDude t1_j9f1gi6 wrote

Careful — I just clicked on that link and got a spam popup.


Pow67 t1_j9f24z5 wrote

Glad The Pianist made the list. Tough to watch at times but amazing film.


KFBR392GoForGrubes t1_j9fdzzm wrote

Walk Hard is the best, and any list that doesn't have it at number one is an incorrect list. Sure, people can have opinions, but they are wrong if their opinion is that any other music biopic is better.


FloppedYaYa t1_j9fljh6 wrote

Coal Miner's Daughter better be in this list


Moidahface t1_j9fthu7 wrote

lmao I’m not going to watch 50 music films are you kidding me


Outlog t1_j9hyy3d wrote

Is that, like, all of them?


SaltySteveD87 t1_j9j42ql wrote

If they were gonna include movies that aren’t even actual biopics they could’ve tossed in Eddie & the Cruisers.