Consistent-Annual268 t1_ja01mhn wrote
Captain America: Civil War, airport fight scene...Cap's team needs a distraction, something big. Scott promises he can do it...jumps onto Rhodey, pulls up his arm gadget, slides it from red to blue...and it was in that SPLIT second that it all suddenly clicked into place for me as I realized what he was about to do.
The moment he turns into Giant Man my deduction got paid off gives me thrills every single time I rewatch that film.
And of course Portals...nothing beats Portals.
Capable_Vast_6119 t1_ja02t44 wrote
The end of Se7en
Hausgebrauch t1_ja03utw wrote
Sadly I come from a country (Germany) where the audience rarely goes wild. Don't get me wrong, they laugh when something is funny, they jump at jumpscares, they do all the basic stuff. But we don't cheer, applaud or whatever during movies.
That said: Back in 1998 I attended a Star Trek night, where they showed all (back then) eight movies in a row and that crowd was just fun! After a short while we all even applauded at the best moments. Somethign that I never saw before or afterwards in a German movie theatre again.
That made it even more mindblowing for me when I visited Canada back in 2006 and at some point went to see Ice Age 2. The crowd went NUTS during that movie. (No Scrat pun intended) And I repeat: That was just Ice Age 2! I really wanted to catch Slither that weekend, but sadly couldn't find a theatre that played it.
BakerYeast t1_ja03zsv wrote
Watched Hacksaw Ridge in theather. There was about 15 people. I was in a back row by myself. At the end of the movie, crying, I wondered how could I leave the room without anyone noticing that crying. When the lights turned on I noticed that everyone else were crying too. It was nice moment, when everyone looked each other and gaved a little nod, without saying anything.
bolshevik_rattlehead t1_ja04ybq wrote
I saw the first Borat opening weekend in a packed theater and oh my god it was one of the funnest experiences of my life, that contagious atmosphere made me laugh uncomfortably hard the whole time, I’m surprised I didn’t suffocate or have a heart attack or something.
AlexMacksSW t1_ja06e4a wrote
Sixth Sense when the theater realized that Bruce was dead the whole time was good. I had to watch the Departed twice to see the theaters reaction to the elevator scene and Martin Sheen getting thrown off the building landing at Leo’s feet.
Nizamark t1_ja08qfg wrote
i got a handjob in the back row during minority report
FloppedYaYa t1_ja0fwo6 wrote
The first Deadpool. Everyone was having a great time and in total disbeleif as to what they were watching.
CrispyMongoose t1_ja0gqqw wrote
The Fellowship of the Ring.
Not only did it feel like i'd truly just watched something special, a genre defining film that had 'rasied the bar' so to speak, it's the only movie i've ever been to where the audience audibly groaned when it ended as they wanted the story to continue, and then all stood up and applauded.
droppedforgiveness t1_ja0jo59 wrote
This is completely different from yours, but my best cinema experience was watching Titane in an empty theater with just my mom. We did not know what we were getting into, and being able to exclaim and laugh out loud and say "WHAT THE FUCK" without disturbing anyone was very fun.
kofo8843 t1_ja0kdtj wrote
Casablanca at the Avalon, CA movie theater. It’s an old school theater with capacity for over 1000 people. Before this, I have only seen theaters like this in movies.
Zassolluto711 t1_ja0lsvw wrote
Recently, RRR. I’ve seen it three times in theatres now and each time the crowd was wild. Confetti everywhere, cheers, claps during the songs. It was unbelievable. So much energy in the theatre for three hours! That’s with a 15 min intermission!
SuperNntendoChlmers t1_ja0my19 wrote
The Dark Knight, saw it in IMAX, the whole theater collectively went "wooah" when batman blasts out of the broken down tumbler in the new batpod.
After that my favorite movie going experiences in the last 10 years....Top Gun Maverick after that training run scene.
The docking scene in Interstellar was amazing in theaters.
kleptophobiac t1_ja0p7fb wrote
Polar Express. First movie in a theater with my son.
Runner-up: driving 60 miles to the midnight show on opening day of Fellowship of the Ring.
mikelogan1975 t1_ja0slue wrote
Watching Batman Begins and The Dark Knight on Thursday afternoon before the 12:01 Friday screening of The Dark Knight Rises. I spent the entire day at the theater watching Batman movies and it was awesome.
bttrflyr OP t1_ja1b5k6 wrote
Portals was just a pure roller coaster ride!
bttrflyr OP t1_ja1bb2e wrote
I’m in Germany as well and I know what you mean!
bttrflyr OP t1_ja1bkmu wrote
I was in a 500 seat auditorium during the midnight of The Dark Knight, waited 5 hours for my seat and it was absolutely worth it all!
bttrflyr OP t1_ja1bloy wrote
Oh awesome!!
bttrflyr OP t1_ja1boqa wrote
Same! I took my dad to see it and I thought he was going to suffocate
bttrflyr OP t1_ja1bqlh wrote
I would have loved to be there for Sixth Sense! What a moment
Cake-Over t1_ja00qdl wrote
Wayne's World
It was a boisterous, fun crowd. The right movie at the right time with the right audience.