ViolentAmbassador t1_jaeiyu5 wrote
Scream (1996) and Scream (2022)
temujin64 t1_jaejypd wrote
Boozin37 t1_jaekxg1 wrote
Consistent-Annual268 t1_jael4a2 wrote
Is this sub for posting quizzes or is this meant to be a joke post? First time I've seen something like this since I joined last week or so.
[deleted] OP t1_jael824 wrote
[deleted] OP t1_jaelg0f wrote
YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_jaelo5j wrote
No. This is a new thing.
Consistent-Annual268 t1_jaelwyx wrote
Seems pointless. OP clearly has a predetermined answer, they're not looking for help to find a movie.
[deleted] OP t1_jaelyjm wrote
YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_jaem6xw wrote
I'm sure someone wants to seem smart. It will probably die out when the attention falls off.
[deleted] OP t1_jaenbzd wrote
girafa t1_jaeni39 wrote
(x) incorrect
cbbuntz t1_jaenqhe wrote
That can't be right because the killer doesn't wear a hood
facetiously t1_jaenu0z wrote
[deleted] OP t1_jaeq9d8 wrote
Forsaken_Cost_1937 t1_jaeiti6 wrote