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Cocreat t1_j9p9bs3 wrote

On a scale of 1-10, how much like Snakes in a Plane is this?


Vulkan192 t1_j9pa5ez wrote

Interesting wardrobe choices on the right there.

Can’t wait to see this movie, even if it’s terrible. Maybe especially if it’s terrible.


KneeHighMischief t1_j9pac57 wrote

Their secret for bringing the bear to life was oddly enough cocaine.


sax87ton t1_j9pcev5 wrote

I already tired of this joke and I haven’t even seen the movie.


sweglrd143 t1_j9po6xa wrote

Literally who gives a f about this movie?


themew2 t1_j9pqgoo wrote

Can't wait for future movies (think Back to the Future) to reference Cocaine Bear with a comment of "Bear still looks fake".


skbr71 t1_j9prwpr wrote

It’s giving “The Crows Have Eyes 3: The Crowening.” 100% here for it.


RedTheDopeKing t1_j9ptrxu wrote

My favorite thing about this movie is you don’t have to watch it, the entire plot and setting is in the title, and you don’t need to know more! Power to people if they enjoy it but I’m not down to waste time on these “dumb” types of movies anymore.


duaneap t1_j9q0svr wrote

The appeal seems from the marketing to be “Look how crazy this concept is! What a kooky title! Who could come up with that!”

And the answer is an 11 year old.


WhereIsThatElephant t1_j9q5qzj wrote

are people paid to post here about CB every single day, sometimes multiple times?


jcisneros405 t1_j9q7pkq wrote

Seriously so many of the people in the comments section here thinking they're coming off as sassy and witty when in actuality they're just coming off incredibly miserable and whiny little girls. Like, I don't have a single interest in Avatar or Fast and Furious 12 or whatever but you don't see me wasting my breath acting like I'm on some imaginary higher level than moviegoers who enjoy those films.


AlanMorlock t1_j9qao37 wrote

"In the beginning, the Cocaine Bear posts were spaced by twenty four weeks. Then twelve, then six, then every two weeks. The last one, about Ray Liotta , was yesterday. By tomorrow we could be seeing a Cocaine Bear post every hour until they are coming every four minutes. Marshal, we should witness a double event within a day."


GetToSreppin t1_j9qbzsq wrote

This idea that something stupid or something genre related can't be art is something I deeply disagree with. This movie will still have a story at its core. It will have themes and characters and potentially even social or political commentary. Whether or not those elements of the film are successful are subjective of course, but to me those elements and the attempt are worthy of critical consideration.


Aerowolf1994 t1_j9qguxu wrote

"You know what I used to have for breakfast? Cocaine. Know what I had for lunch? Cocaine"


DreadpirateBG t1_j9qoamb wrote

I hope it does well I will watch if it comes to Netflix or Amazon prime. Maybe even pay for the rental. Looks to be fun.


nolo_me t1_j9qr60a wrote

You don't have to be there at the time. The LD50 of cocaine (the amount necessary to be a lethal dose for 50% of test subjects) is 96mg per kg of bodyweight. The bear weighed 79kg and was found to have eaten 34kg of cocaine.


ringobob t1_j9qvm9u wrote

My daughter (freshman in HS) is seeing it with her friends this weekend. I might see if I can tag along, sit somewhere else in the theater. Hell, I might do that and just not tell her.


Thendofreason t1_j9r0823 wrote

On my way to go see it now. Wish I could see it high, but I gotta drive.


ringobob t1_j9r0tu4 wrote

Art isn't about technical components or medium or genre or anything else like that. Art is about emotion. If it makes you react, and feel something, it's art. It needs some abstract element, something that is intended to be interpreted that has no functional goal separate from you the observer, but so long as it has that, and it makes you feel something, it's art.

If it's universally reviled, and that wasn't the intention, you could call it "bad art". But art nonetheless.

That said, "high art" is a little different. At minimum, it requires a high degree of abstraction. Lots of room for, and an ability to instigate, interpretation.


ringobob t1_j9r3hk1 wrote

If you've never enjoyed a "dumb" movie then you and I wouldn't be friends. That's no judgement on you, at least from me. Just saying, I'm sure you've found your people and I've found mine, but they probably aren't the same people, and this movie looks exactly like the kind of dumb time waster I'm interested in.


ringobob t1_j9r5eq5 wrote

I've seen the trailers, I remember the movies I was watching at that age, I've gone looking for any information about the content of this movie to make sure I'm not missing anything, and we've shown our kids select R rated movies before now (Matrix, , etc), I feel pretty comfortable with letting her go on her own.

Maybe that's a mistake, but I'm comfortable with that, too, I don't expect my decision making to be perfect, but I've done my best.


Fastlanedrivr t1_j9rfkyw wrote

I’m not against ppl under 18 seeing R movies I just meant logistically, the theater should be enforcing that rule. Didn’t meant to insult or imply anything, apologize if it came off that way. I saw plenty of R rated movies before I was 18 as well I’m sure it’s appropriate it’s not an overly violent movie from the looks of it.


kylebb t1_j9rhjoq wrote

Just saw this movie and it was insane I really liked it, they really went for it.


ringobob t1_j9ri4h5 wrote

I think they have an adult lined up, I spoke with my daughter about it after making the comment and she asked if I'd be willing to be the adult, so I'm not sure the previous plan is solid. I said yes so long as the other parents are on board, so I may wind up being the adult in the room, we'll see.


lynypixie t1_j9rxmd2 wrote

I miss late 90s/early 2000 cinema. The era of « just basic fun » movies. You can’t joke at anything today, and you need a quota of every minority out there. It’s like a checklist.

There is a reason why there are so many remakes and unoriginal stuff. Studios want safe.


no0neiv t1_j9rxzsz wrote

I've never been so overexposed to a movie's ad campaign/promo before...I get it, this self-consciously "wacky" movie exists. I don't care. Am I alone in this sentiment?


Kuuskat_ t1_j9sm7wc wrote

>Do you go around to NFL subs and wonder who gives a fuck about football?

OP os not asking who gives a fuck about movies, but rather who gives a fuck about a particular movie.


sclsmdsntwrk t1_j9svxi9 wrote

Is that a pornstar on the right? Wtf is she wearing?


sullenosity t1_j9tdbar wrote

The Cocaine Bear bots are out in storm
