Submitted by Madelineeee_ t3_11a2ny7 in movies

Are there any movies that accurately depict angels how they are described in the Bible? Specifically I'm looking for accurate depictions of Ophanim and Seraphim but I'm okay with any type of angel. Please do not suggest any movies that just depict angels as humans but with wings and please do not suggest the movie "Nope". Thanks

Also, please do not suggest movies that just have archangels. I know that archangels are just described as humans with wings but like I said I want angels like Ophanim and Seraphim

Basically just those biblically accurate angel pictures that became popular like a year ago



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BeginningAppeal8599 t1_j9pfnle wrote

Lol, why would they suggest the movie Nope?

What do you think of Wings of Desire and Legion?


qorboy t1_j9pfs8j wrote

The wood sprite from del toros Pinocchio, although not overtly implied to be an angel, does have much in common with the traditional depiction of the Seraph


SetgBrundleFly t1_j9pgcwp wrote

I know this is movies, but Ted Chiang’s short story “Hell is the Absence of God” is the best depiction of realistic angels ever, not only physically but morally and metaphysically as well.


filthysize t1_j9phczq wrote

Monsters, basically. There are several different types, and each look different.

Cherubs have four heads (human, ox, eagle, lion) and four wings.

Seraphim is like a floating head with six wings and are on fire.

Ophanim is just a bunch of floating golden wheels.


ruet_ahead t1_j9pi7t9 wrote

Legion is way outside "humans with wings". IIRC, two archangels with plenty of rank and file. I also recommend it's TV continuation in Dominion. Season 1 was a little hit and miss but season 2 was taking the show in some cool directions.


ELIE41 t1_j9pkzn5 wrote

Wings of Desire by Wim Wenders.


ShirtPants10 t1_j9pl02c wrote

if you want me to look it up myself, why can't you just look up "movies with biblically accurate angels" - sorry for trying to understand what you were looking for so that I could potentially help.


SelectAll_Delete t1_j9pm3mx wrote

There really aren't any. Most movies with angels just have them as humans with/without wings. For "biblically accurate angels," you probably have to look at movies with unique creatures, like Annihilation and even the Harry Potter movies that have animals with wings and hooves, etc, but none of them are called "angels."


PrincessRuri t1_j9pnssw wrote

Knowing (2009) has a portrayal of Ophanin (the wheel within wheel angels), though they are actually >!spaceships.!<


mikelogan1975 t1_j9pnuu0 wrote

Knowing (2009)

I know that this is a hot take but I feel that the beings featured in this movie are actually supposed to be what we think of as the angels mentioned in the bible.


SkullTShirt t1_j9po6tu wrote

A Dark Song. Then again, who's to say what an "accurate" angel looks like 'cause they're made up. Hey-o!


bikequestion12 t1_j9prrjn wrote

Any moron with a pack of matches can start a fire. Raining down sulfur takes a huge level of endurance. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


HagbardCelineHere t1_j9pxoq0 wrote

The alien spaceship at the end of the very meh Nic Cage movie "Knowing" was designed from the Ezekiel description of angels.


tahmorex t1_j9q14ow wrote

What I know about angels from the Bible: they usually start conversations with “don’t be afraid.”

Ergo- I don’t wanna see one.


deathisuponus1234567 t1_j9qqm5o wrote

Jordan Peeles Nope the alien design is a biblically accurate angel if I remember correctly


cwebsterz t1_j9r8n56 wrote

Darren Aronofsky’s Noah (2014) has a super literal depiction of them.


ZorroMeansFox t1_j9rmfsq wrote

Maybe the fiery, frightening angel in Frailty is something you'd respond to.


Ellisrsp t1_j9t79rl wrote

You asked for accurate, but could The Machine in the movie Contact be viewed as an ophanim?


karbaloy t1_j9u419k wrote

I like to think angels look and act like the Bonewheel Skeletons from Dark Souls. It's not a movie, and they're skeletons, but SPINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN