Submitted by I_serve_Anubis t3_11dv4eo in movies

I’m really curious what other people consider the most quotable movie. For me & my family it’s definitely the princess bride, there are just so many memorable quotes in the movie that I can’t even pick a favourite.

"He’s only mostly dead"


"Get used to dissapointment"

"Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."

these quotes along with many others manage to find their way into a great deal of our conversations. Honestly sometimes we end up quoting entire scenes with alternating dialogue.

So is there a particular move you regularly quote ? & if so what is it?



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No-Ad8167 t1_jaazb8p wrote

Probably Pineapple Express 😂


bonemonkey12 t1_jaazumr wrote

The Big Lebowski or O Brother Where Out Thou


DarthMaulsAnger1 t1_jab0xgs wrote

Twister. Or godfather part II specifically the part from Fredo where he says "I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!"


TheRealOneTwo t1_jab11zr wrote

I want to say Holy Grail, but it's "Shitter's full" "Grace? She passed away 30 years ago"


jonah379 t1_jab1h38 wrote

Kung Pow, my nipples look like milk duds


AgentUpright t1_jab1uvv wrote

We quote The Princess Bride a lot too.

We also love lines from The Emperor’s New Groove, Shrek, Mulan, Clue, You’ve Got Mail, Groundhog’s Day, and Star Wars and it’s rare that we don’t say at least one line from a Monty Python sketch or movie on any given day.


creamywingwang t1_jab1yk8 wrote

It has been and probably always will be top-gun Talk to me goose is a staple for me.


PurpsMcNuggets t1_jab2ntx wrote

Napoleon Dynamite

Whatever I feel like I wanna do, Gosh!

You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while i’m wearing these bad boys?


YahsQween t1_jab2ob8 wrote

Better Off Dead, Dumb Dumber or Wedding Singer …. These seem to be what stuck over the years. Not even good lines….”Big Gulps, huh? Well, see ya later!”


ColdPressedSteak t1_jab32s9 wrote

Too bad James Franco turned out to be a creep. Great chemistry with Seth

His performance in The Interview was pretty great. Hilariously on point facial expressions for his character with the Eminem interview and when he feels betrayed by the fake grocery store


PacosPop t1_jab34fu wrote

Tombstone and Top Gun (the original)


Nervous_Meeting_3409 t1_jab34sd wrote

Two weeks notice, The Burbs, Back to the future, Home Alone, The Money Pit.


evrywherelikesuchas t1_jab49de wrote

Heat. Me and the wife never miss an opportunity for "I'm sick of it I'msickofit!!"


LuzBenedict t1_jab4amq wrote

Anchorman, Blazing Saddles, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


theDanantenna t1_jab4hav wrote

Clifford and A Christmas Story.

"Look at me like a human boy!"


olliedollie1204 t1_jab5i8r wrote

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Pitch Perfect, and A League of Their Own. All ridiculously quotable.


ZorroMeansFox t1_jab5uic wrote

Here's a quote I've found different ways to use many times:

"Kids are starving in India and you're walking around with a sombrero full of peanuts."


dhriggs t1_jab5v6m wrote

Toss up between Pulp Fiction and Fletch.


DaBasicDev t1_jab6cfp wrote

Fight club. For a school project we needed a quote and I used Tyler Durden’s line of “it’s only when you’ve lost everything, that your free to do anything”


Barnitch t1_jab6ecn wrote

Office Space. I randomly say “Like a record…oooh…oooh” and “Lumburg fucked her” along with the more popular lines.

Next is Zoolander. I always call it a “eu-goog-a-ly” and reference “after funeral parties.”


mwill140 t1_jab6scf wrote

Three Amigos amongst my family


[deleted] t1_jab83i4 wrote

Well for me it's Godfather , Dark Knight etc


oftheunusual t1_jab90i4 wrote

A toss up between The Grinch and Jurassic Park.

Not to discount quoting a ton of other movies on various occasions.


Monapomona t1_jab9yte wrote

Pulp Fiction: (some of these may not be perfectly worded). “I’m gonna go medieval on your ass”. “Zed is dead”. “Check out the big brain on Brett”. “How about you, Flock of Seagulls”.


sponkulouse t1_jaba8vk wrote

To be honest, it would have to be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


CBerg1979 t1_jabagkm wrote

Having grown up on an Indian reservation, Thunderheart all day!

"You were running with the Old Ones? At The Knee?"

"Fitful dreams, horseshit, you had a vision!"

"Crowhorse, fuck you..."

Doesn't get better than that, man!


ApatheticFinsFan t1_jabby9z wrote

It’s a three-way tie between Friday, Anchorman, and Pitch Perfect.


IfYouWantTheGravy t1_jabd0uh wrote

The Blues Brothers, Snatch, and In the Loop are all in heavy rotation for me.


mattyice18 t1_jabd3vq wrote

Probably a three way tie between Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, and There’s Something About Mary.


VastFaithlessness999 t1_jabe814 wrote

Young Guns 2, Night at the Roxbury, Superstar and, of course, all the Friday movies


Tylerdurden389 t1_jabk3tr wrote

Can't think of one in particular, but Arnold is definitely the most quoted actor in the household. Too many to list. I grew up on his movies thanks to my dad being a fan as well.


spacejunk76 t1_jabobob wrote

Not a movie, but I quote To Catch a Predator a lot. "I just came to get something to eat!"


depthnoir t1_jaboqhk wrote


"Greetings programs!" "Now that is a big door!" "Null unit!" "I play videogames better than anybody!" "Forget it Mr. High & Mighty Master Control!"


garrisontweed t1_jabvovi wrote

The Ladykillers Remake

“left my wallet in el segundo.” And “The Man brought his Bitch,to the waffle hut.” Been favourites.


Woodpecker_61 t1_jabyjq7 wrote

Blazing Saddles & Pythons ''Grail" altho I do toss about a random "Frau Blucher"with a horse winny every so often as well.


F-b t1_jac096k wrote

Spiderman 1


i_am_an_actual_goose t1_jac7qcz wrote

The fact that no one mentioned tropic thunder renders this entire thread irrelevant


spiffytrev t1_jac7ug5 wrote

Holy Grail is up there for non sequitur / meme responses, but So I Married An Axe Murderer is definitely the number one spot for me since most of the lines / jokes are more conversational.


snazzydingo t1_jaca8cj wrote

American psycho is the BEST movie to quote


MrFluffyhead80 t1_jacawmc wrote



Coming to America

Naked Gun

Old School

Big Lebowski



kaZZlimaXX t1_jachnnh wrote

Predator(1987), I quote it all the time :D


thisisboz t1_jacipv6 wrote

The Other Guys… no drinks, can’t do it!


johnjames_34 t1_jaclcep wrote

Big trouble in little china. Freaking awesome.


UNC_ABD t1_jacn1bu wrote

"It's a Profit Deal" from The Jerk, as well as a bunch of other lines.


kingofthepews t1_jacnvwa wrote

Hotfuzz, "you mother's!" "The greater good" and "it's only the one (insert topic in question) actually."

The big lebowski, "the dude abides,man." "Yeah,but that's like, your opinion,man"

Predator. " You are one ugly mutha.." "over here"


RBlomax38 t1_jacw4wt wrote

Austin Powers Goldmember, I haven’t seen it in like a decade but still quote it regularly


UnsaidRnD t1_jacwg3s wrote

i don't really do that a lot, but mb a couple of Jay and Silent Bob quotes here and there


112oceanave t1_jacxcg8 wrote

Menace 2 society

“You acting like a little bitch right now. You acting real paranoid.”


SpideyFan914 t1_jad1cjr wrote

Probably The Avengers just for how many tunes I say, "I get that reference."


Ok-Fig6407 t1_jad3nyk wrote

Arthur. “He’s taken the knife out of the cheese. You think he wants some cheese?”
A real woman could stop you from drinking, Arthur.” “She’d have to be a real big woman.””


Other-Marketing-6167 t1_jade84d wrote

I don’t know if me and my wife have ever gone more than a couple days without quoting something from Step Brothers.


North-Face4401 t1_jadfgdm wrote

Raising arizona, texas chainsaw massacre 2, napoleon dynamite


bnbtwjdfootsyk t1_jadg5wx wrote

The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Rises. Quoted it in my wedding vows.


90daylimitedwarranty t1_jadjdiz wrote

Guys on my softball team and I quote Glen Gary Glenross while we're in the outfield all the time. Just scream lines across the field to each other "Always be closing!!!!" I don't know why we still laugh every time.


pxlcrow t1_jadow2a wrote

"Did you take an illiteracy test to get this job?" -The Exorcist

"Maintain low tones!" -Coneheads

"Well don't; stare at the back of your own fucking head." -Sexy Beast


brownie81 t1_jadx7m3 wrote

Superbad. Lord of the Rings. Everything else is basically the Simpsons.


Ishtalker t1_jaezsov wrote

Anything by Jim Carrey in the 90s

Dumb and dumber

Cable guy

Liar Liar

The mask

Ace Ventura.