Submitted by Help_An_Irishman t3_11en3io in movies

EDIT: Thanks for the input, everyone!

I love going to the movies and I'll have an opportunity for a cheap trip today, but there isn't really anything playing that I'm terribly interested in (or that I haven't seen already).

The only two that I'd consider at my local theater are Missing, since it has surprisingly strong reviews, or Cocaine Bear, for a silly laugh (and since it reminds me of a script idea my wife and I were batting around a couple years ago).

For those who have seen one or both of these, I'd love to hear your input! Thanks!



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Kylon1138 t1_jaeysgr wrote

Seen them both, imo Cocaine Bear was a more fun time at the movies

And if you've seen Searching, then Missing wasn't anything new


Nobodycares2022 t1_jaezlml wrote

Neither of them. Nothing short of a Marvel or a huge disaster movie will get me in a theater ever again. Id rather stream my movies.


ViolentAmbassador t1_jaf0089 wrote

I've seen both, I thought Missing was better but either one will be a fun watch.


Naron5 t1_jaf0eo6 wrote

I would arrive at the cinema and, assuming they were the two movies showing only, get back in the car to go home.


Archamasse t1_jaf0k6j wrote

I think Cocaine Bear would make for a more fun crowd experience.


HouseNinja t1_jaf0mzx wrote

Cocaine Bear in theater... Missing at home


thesnapening t1_jaf18uv wrote


I have a suspicious people will be talking string cocaine bear.


TheRealClose t1_jaf198f wrote

If you’ve seen Searching and liked it then absolutely go see Missing, although it’s not a pre-requisite.


MasterOfShrugs t1_jaf19m6 wrote

If you wanna turn off your brain completely, cocaine bear. But if you wanna turn off your brain a little, missing. Both quiet enjoyable rides.

If it’s me though, I’d go watch missing. It’s more of my type of movie.


No_Significance_573 t1_jaf1hlz wrote

cocaine bear. i need a laugh and movies that are “happier” lead to better theater experiences overall i feel


Nobodycares2022 t1_jaf3jem wrote

Well i think your reply is lame and sucks. We're entitled to our own opinions. The quality of the movie experience at the theaters suck. I'm most likely going to watch these movies, but to truly enjoy them without any problems is streaming them in my home.


Minifig81 t1_jaf4pdx wrote

Both were pretty lackluster, but Missing is the better film.


cupofteaonme t1_jaf4voq wrote

Missing is quite entertaining. Some fun twists, etc. Good time at the movies imo.