Submitted by sassafrassky t3_117uofq in movies
Just like the title suggests, I want to watch 365 movies in 365 days. So drop your birthday (month and day is fine) and favourite movie (include the year the movie came out so I can get the right one if there are any remakes) and know that, while you may be another year older, a random internet stranger is enjoying your favourite film. All genres welcome! I look forward to finding some new films and, I'm sure, enjoying some again.
UPDATE: Thanks for all of your suggestions! I'm not trying to scam anyone, I promise 🙈 I just thought it would be a cool idea to get some new movies recommended and a day to watch them on. I've gone through and put in as many as I can. Here's the dates I still need...
January- 3 4 10 23 26 February - 4 19 20 March - 23 27 28 April - 3 18 22 24 28 May - 23 24 29 31 June - 16 18 19 22 July - 4 6 11 15 18 19 20 22 24 27 30 August - 4 9 25 September - 3 5 12 16 21 October - 4 24 November - 7 9 11 16 19 21 22 23 25 26 29 30 December - 9
If any of these are your birthday or even just a special day to you drop a comment with your favourite movie below so I can fill it in!