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Detroit_Cineaste t1_jd7y98e wrote

When I saw that Behind the Music episode I thought Mothersbaugh was being dryly ironic. Besides, nothing tops "Beautiful World".


[deleted] t1_jd8rtzi wrote



frozenvanillacoke t1_jdaca7c wrote

Someone saw a rough cut and said that Mark kept turning it down cause it only focused on the band for a portion of it then kept on talking about Gerry's kinks and sexcapades and it's like dude, I don't give a shit about that side, the Devo image and ethos and music could fill a whole mini-series and the fans want to hear about that.


citanaF_Fanatic t1_jdaac74 wrote

The whole New Traditionalists Album is fantastic. My two favorite songs of theirs are Worried Man and Come Back Jonee.


Detroit_Cineaste t1_jdaco0n wrote

I remember the group saying how happy they were to be in the movie Human Highway because they got to keep the costumes they wore for their performance of Jonee. All those years spent busting their butts and they couldn't afford to buy new threads.


lizzie1hoops t1_jdbeu8s wrote

Ooh, it's a good one but I'd offer my favorite, in contrast. "Planet Earth"


Fleaslayer t1_jdb2khd wrote

I'm not sure that it's their best song, but I do think it's their best song/video combination. After hearing the song s number of times, the video made me hear it and understand it much differently.