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truupe t1_je5hzxv wrote

The Wedding Singer for all the music references and nostalgia.


Buttersdidit t1_je5i619 wrote

Happy Gilmore easily! Billy Madison is awful, but entertaining.


Dragonborn83196 t1_je5i8ct wrote

The Waterboy and The Wedding Singer. Waterboy is just classic funny all the way through. Wedding Singer for the music


Pigs-OnThe-Wing t1_je5i9dx wrote

Billy Madison is always gonna rise to the top for me.

It just perfectly hits that pocket of absurdly funny without feeling too tryhard. And even with its absurdity, it still manages to maintain a lot of heart for its characters. Not just the main ones, a ton of the side characters just have incredible characterization.


angstt t1_je5icu7 wrote

Happy Gilmore: I could watch Bob Barker kick Adam Sandler's ass over and over...


BrexitFool t1_je5k9s7 wrote

Happy Gilmore. Lost count of how many times I’ve seen it.

Best bad guy ever, Shooter McGavin. CHOKE ON THAT BABY!!!

‘I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast’

‘You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?’ Lmfao.

And Ben Stiller was hilarious. ‘You can trouble me for a small glass of shut the hell up. Now you will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep.’


eaglerabbit89 t1_je5klgx wrote

Happy Gilmore. I just felt like it had more funny and memorable scenes. All those movies of his were great but this one stood out more for me.


cloroxbb t1_je5ns14 wrote

Wedding Singer for me. But Billy and Happy are a very close 2nd.


PigSlam t1_je5ojpt wrote

My wife and I are big NFL fans, but we still call the game “Fooseball” because of The Waterboy.


T-408 t1_je5om0p wrote

Big Daddy is easily the funniest, best written, and best acted film out of the lot.

But I gotta say that The Wedding Singer is a personal favorite of mine (largely due to Drew Barrymore)


JRogeroiii t1_je5vfd2 wrote

For me it is Happy Gilmore with The Wedding singer a close second. A steep drop off after that. Not that the other movies are bad. There just no where near the level of my top two.


Allan8795 t1_je5vqj0 wrote

The Wedding Singer, I love the Drew-Adam pairing


AaronWYL t1_je5wzdn wrote

Been a long time and it might not be the funniest, but "The Wedding Singer" is the best movie.


ChaplainAsmodai1978 t1_je60638 wrote

Happy Gilmore. Funny as hell from start to finish, and Julie Bowen was hot as fuck.


FloppedYaYa t1_je6f8xb wrote

The Wedding Singer definitely

I do honestly love 90's Sandler and Big Daddy is the only one I find a bit meh (though Paul Thomas Anderson adores it funny enough)


Fre3Monk t1_je6qdfh wrote

I love Happy Gilmore, but The Wedding Singer just tops it by a slither for me (mainly due to the soundtrack).

My first dance with my wife at our wedding what ‘Grow Old With You’ from The Wedding Singer (whilst dressed in an inflatable dino suit), so it also has a lot of sentimental value as well.


FoxOntheRun99 t1_je6rbjr wrote

The Wedding Singer - It has a lot of heart in that alongside the comedy which edges it for me (Gilmore is hilarious though).


AndyKaufmanSentMe OP t1_je6v7qv wrote

>My first dance with my wife at our wedding what ‘Grow Old With You’ from The Wedding Singer (whilst dressed in an inflatable dino suit), so it also has a lot of sentimental value as well.

That's wonderful, sincerely.

Thank you for sharing.


Getupkid1284 t1_je6zkxz wrote

Billy Madison is my favorite movie of all time.


Spartan7268 t1_je714ig wrote

Billy Madison. The penguin is my favorite scenes


Spartan7268 t1_je715ek wrote

Billy Madison. The penguin is my favorite scenes


enjoysbeingwatched t1_je7ldhq wrote

I remember replaying the scene over and over where he keeps driving balls into the house at the end of the street and then the two people after that. Had to pause before I missed the following 10 minutes of movie trying to breathe.


Twothounsand-2022 t1_je91lx1 wrote

2000's is better era of him for me

50 first date


Just go with it


Pleasent_Pedant t1_jedyp87 wrote

The Waterboy, great cast, film has a heart and it ticks all the sport movie boxes to boot.