I was sent some slides for an upcoming movie and here are the directions for the self-tape:
SLATE REQUIRED! (Preferably TAIL Slate)
*Name, Agency, Height, Where Based*
Make sure you are well lit with good sound.
Frame shoulders up, against a solid background
I've looked up what a tail slate is and it appears to be with the slate held upside down at the end of your reading. Do they still want me to say my "Name, Agency, Height, Where Based" at the beginning? Do they still want me to slate after I say all that at the beginning? Does anybody know what I'm specifically supposed to do? And if I don't have an actual clapperboard, are there any alternatives I can use without looking unprofessional? Sorry, thanks in advance!
EDIT: I don't have an agent
roto_disc t1_jefd8dh wrote
I feel like your agent would have the answers to these questions.