Submitted by Lisieu_Lustre t3_127n9a8 in movies

There's a lot of problems in HOOK. But Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell was one of them. She was such a weird casting choice, she never really gelled as Tinkerbell or understood what made the character stand out.

In Roberts' take, Tinkerbell is sweet and cloying and even goofy. That's not Tinkerbell. She's pretty much a G-rated version of a bunny boiler. She's clingy and jealous and occasionally unlikable. Which is why Rebecca De Mornay would have killed it as Tinkerbell, has that ice cold blonde persona that can be sweet when necessary but with a odd vibe.

The way Tinkerbell is written in HOOK, I did feel Roberts made her too likable. It seemed like Spielberg was going for a more amoral take on Tink.

I mean, he turned the Lost Boys into a group of Punks led by Rufio, a bad boy.



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TheCosmicFailure t1_jeevbwh wrote

I didn't mind Julia Roberts as Tink. In his version years have past, so it would make sense for Tinker Bell to have changed.


Orodruin666 t1_jeevend wrote

Spielberg agrees with you, he vowed to never work with her again


TheShadyGuy t1_jef18au wrote

Although in Peter Pan canon, fairies don't live that long. I believe that is the reason why they have such intense feelings. So Tink really wouldn't have lived long enough to see his return, even if we all clapped our hands the whole time.


Snuggle__Monster t1_jef3nt4 wrote

The role wasn't all that important enough to the story to ruin it. The crux of it was the father/son/evil surrogate father dynamic.


ExperienceDaveness t1_jef6qwh wrote

The casting of this movie was amazing, except for Julia. Robin and Dustin just inhabited their characters perfectly. Julia, at best, was "Julia Roberts pretending to be a character no one explained to her."


Next-Mobile-9632 t1_jefeub4 wrote

Haven't seen a Julia Roberts movie in 30 years, so I'm sure I agree with you