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bone-in_donuts t1_je5wtrf wrote

The Wailing is great, although I think The Chaser is even better. Goddamn Korea has the best thrillers.


Metal64Game t1_je62bpt wrote

I unironically think Chaser might be the best south korean film to come out ever.

And this is coming from someone who loved Waling and Parasite.


bone-in_donuts t1_je64hc4 wrote

I can’t disagree, that movie is a lesson in tension and pacing.

I think it, A Bittersweet Life, Oldboy and I Saw the Devil rotate for me in terms of favourites.


BeginningAppeal8599 t1_je6viog wrote

It's definitely the one that comes to my mind often when thinking of Korean thrillers and their chase scenes.

A recent Korean thriller, Midnight, evoked a lot of the feelings and fun I had watching that film.


--deleted_account-- t1_je81kt9 wrote

Don't know about "best to come out ever" since they make lots of great movies over there, but great nonetheless