beatles42o t1_jedrwkl wrote
im honestly not the biggest fan of the movie, but it seems dubbed.
there was probably a cut in tape or for some other reason so they just used some B roll of their feet.
things like that with old film were used after they "got the take" so when editing through footage they just have too "look for the feet" and they would know "oh. rewind, thats the take we wanted"
now im speculating. but this was common in skateboarding videos where after they finally land the trick they would put their hand over the lens. so when editing they know where to look for the tricks that are landed.
As you can spend 15-25-35 minutes worth of film getting one trick.
mechaiineramen t1_jee05e9 wrote
Yup. The feet are just a cut away to get to another take of the same shot or something to do with editing. Kevin isn't doing anything style wise with it. He's not that kind of director. He will say so himself. It's definitely to correct something with the footage.
Findest OP t1_jedt5df wrote
Thanks for all of that. That's very interesting :) Maybe they simply needed something to cut in so the audio could continue on and the best they had was shots of their feet. Now, whether or not that's the right answer it is most certainly a logical possibility.
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