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Asha_Brea t1_je2kqp9 wrote

The Count Of Monte Cristo (2002):

Pro: It is a great movie.

Con: It does a very poor job of adapting the source material.


El_And_Rose OP t1_je2qxvb wrote

That was such a fun read, do you recommend the movie?


Asha_Brea t1_je2r834 wrote

The movie is great on its own, as it is really well acted, as long as you don't expect it to be like the book.


El_And_Rose OP t1_je2x5u3 wrote

Sounds good, I usually try my best separate them. Like Netflix's live action Death Note isn't bad by itself but as adaptation is was lame.


FlattopMaker t1_je3afgn wrote

This film has everything I enjoy, just the right balance of deep thinking, humour, character development, mystery, wisdom, self-reflection, beautiful music, historic and beautiful location shooting. ...and it basically shares the title and the character names with the (compiled serials) book!


nlkonskykaramazov1 t1_je3ki1z wrote

The film is weak.

Turning Albert into the count's son was bullshit. It's not because Albert is his biological son that Edmond will necessarily love him. In the brothers Karamazov, Fyodor was the father of 3 children and did not love them.

Mercedes is not the most beautiful woman in the world for Edmond to fight for her as Menelaus did for Helen when she ran away with Prince Paris. He traveling like Odysseus, he would meet other women as Odysseus did, with Circe and Calypso, but without the desire to return to his old relationship.

When Prince Hamlet felt betrayed by Ophelia, he was extremely aggressive towards her. so much so that he hurled insults at her. Kind of naive and simple-minded to think that silly words and an alliance would undo all of Edmond's anger.

The vibes were poorly executed and felt amateurish. It was so obvious that they were a trap that no one would fall for them.

Better if Edmond sought to challenge Fernand to a duel as did Paris and Menelaus.

Not even Villefort would confess to a crime in such an obvious trap.

The 1979 French miniseries is better.


iliadwarandpeace t1_je31fr0 wrote

.Insert a stupid and unnecessary dueling scene as the weak gladiator by Ridley Scott. Commodus was murdered while bathing and was not killed in a duel. I don't know what goes through the writers' heads to insert duel scenes and think that everything is resolved with direct confrontations.

It's not because Edmond had a child with Mercedes that he will necessarily care about her years later.

The real general Maximus, the Roman general Tiberius Claudius Pompeianos was married to Lucilla, the sister of Commodus. his wife was executed for conspiring against the room and he did not abuse this and did not avenge his wife with whom he had a child. He preferred a quiet life, he refused to become emperor when offered the position.

Family love and everything is resolved with duels are two unnecessary nonsense in history.