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UpperFrontalButtocks t1_jdw5963 wrote

I think it's because the main character is an angsty ex priest who lost his faith and a big theme of the movie, seemingly confirmed at the end, is that everything happens for a reason. That's why his son's asthma, daughter's water habit, and wife's last words all come together to make sense and presumably lead him to renew his faith.

It just feels a little too convenient and lazy. I still really enjoy the movie, though. I just think the "angry atheist has faith restored" is a worn out trope at this point.


MichaelRoco1 t1_jdw6eny wrote

Your comment makes a lot more sense thank you. I think OP could have voiced the tale better, rather than calling it a cringey Christian theme, when really it’s an overused religious trope