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deusexmachismo t1_je02l1a wrote

Did you not see Soul?


leeswervino t1_je06oej wrote

Of course not. All these Illumination projects are the same. Think the last decent one Dreamworks Disney put out was Brave.

Edit: sike that was Pixar too.


Sakugains t1_je0ab0b wrote

Soul is not illumination and it was not as bad as the other recent Pixar stuff


TheRealClose t1_je1omn3 wrote

> not as bad

You make it sound like it was still sub-par…

But I honestly think Soul is Pixar’s best movie, and my second favourite animated movie ever.


Sakugains t1_je1ow3s wrote

Yeah I should have worded that better. I don't think it was a bad movie, and I could tell passion went into making it but it didn't personally connect with me as much as something like inside out did