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LackingInPatience t1_jeey12b wrote

Finn and Poe in the Star Wars Sequel trilogy


callmemacready t1_jefh8i2 wrote

Finn should have been the protagonist , a defected stormtrooper with Jedi skills would have been great , instead they turned him into comic relief janitor and shrank his image for China money


TheCosmicFailure t1_jef0d2a wrote

Beat me to it. I like the Disney trilogy even though it has its flaws. One of them definitely being Finn and Poe not having a clear and defined path.

I wish we had more of Rey/Finn/Poe together. One of my favorite parts of Rise of Skywalker is when the 3 of them are interacting.


nascentia t1_jef46kn wrote

Two fantastic actors, too. I think Oscar Isaac is one of the best current actors and he's phenomenal in every role he's in, but Poe was sadly forgettable and underused.


NoirPochette t1_jef9i6x wrote

It's kind of funny we get a backstory for Poe literally in the last movie