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[deleted] t1_je43obj wrote

Buffy was never intended to be serious, did you watch the tv series? It's a parody of many things.

I am not meaning it doesn't have any piece of drama or meaning. It totally does. Reviewed many ideas about life, love, mortality, etc.

i'm saying that the general tone of the series is comedy, it's not an all action badass movie (or is it?). That's what I meant.

Edit: clarity.


sayterdarkwynd t1_je4po1p wrote

Yes, numerous times. Love the Buffyverse. Saying it was never serious is removing some of the best moments of the show, ones still critically lauded for how they tackled serious issues.

The Body is a prime example of a serious episode. There were quite a few others. It wasn't all campy fun.


Black_Shape t1_je4rirl wrote

Buffy was often serious, did you watch the TV series?


dan1101 t1_je57wq8 wrote

They went through entire depressing seasons IIRC.