Submitted by HanSoloHeadBeg t3_yipzhu in movies

I had seen this film mentioned previously, either in a thread concerning Liotta's death or in r/thesopranos, as Robert Patrick is meant to give a great performance in both. So I saw it was recently added to Netflix and I gave it a shot (no pun intended)

I thought this movie was really, really good. It was one of those films where there are a ton of big names and big egos yet all of them fit perfectly on screen. There is no one dominating role and no one stands out to the detriment of others. De Niro, Keitel, Stallone and Patrick (the stand out for me) all fit well together and really build the film nicely as time moves on. Put simply, they're all not trying to out-cawp eachother.

There are a load of nice small performances too, from Leo McGarry, Carlo Gervasi, Marlon from The Truman Show and Gloria Trillo. They all add to a good mix.

The only criticism I would have is in respect of the final shoot out, where it's overacted to another degree and they clearly could have done with a ballistics or gun expert on set.

All in all, a solid flick that passed the time easily.



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Man_Derella_203 t1_iujvrz9 wrote

Freddy is not the beating heart of the movie, Figs is. Every realisation Freddy comes to and we the audience come to Figs' character planted the seed.


theyletmeusethis t1_iujvu70 wrote

Damn. No credit given to "Superboy", Michael Rapaport. Heartbroken.


HanSoloHeadBeg OP t1_iujxjwi wrote

I think both are the beating heart. Freddy is able to see the real world through Figgis. However, from the very beginning of the movie, we see Freddy's struggle with no real authority (the pinball machine even tells him he has no authority). Slowly but surely, he rises above that and takes everyone by surprise.


Ok-Needleworker-4818 t1_iujzoxf wrote

Great underrated movie, Stallone reminded people he could act but without a doubt among all those heavy hitters Ray Liotta stole the show. He sadly didn't get enough great roles to match his talent. I watched his breakout film "Something Wild" just a few weeks ago, same story he owned that flick in a supporting role.


thinkfast1982 t1_iuk0byy wrote

Being right is not a bullet proof vest Freddy!


mequals1m1w t1_iuk1ccr wrote

You blewwwww it~~~!

Hands are tied now.


Beethovens_Stool t1_iuk5xzq wrote

One of the only movies in which I can tolerate Sylvester Stallone.


Vorsehung t1_iuk6tqg wrote

Watched Copland recently too. I enjoyed it a good bit. As you said- a lot of big hitters, but all seemed perfectly balanced. It's not particularly memorable, but it's solid.