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OnlyMamaKnows t1_itubzom wrote

Shitty cops were the most realistic part of the movie.


RDCK78 t1_ituczt2 wrote

The movie really relies on some tried and true horror movie tropes, clichés and certain stereotypes… It’s just a well made B horror flick. I found nothing weak about the writing of the police and their lack of response/care, that part seemed pretty realistic.


Kitahorror t1_itud8lb wrote

I think it's interesting that your first two points are 'Wait for the police' and the third is 'the police are useless'. Like... Yeah. Yeah that's the point. The police really cannot be fucked. It's pretty much a dead neighbourhood and the cops called are never going to take a complaint from there seriously because its either the homeless or the crazies.

I 100% believe that.


Kitahorror t1_ituefpg wrote

I think the only real point of genuinely stupid decision-making is that the protagonist chooses to stay in the house in the first place.

Ask any woman if they'd stay in a house with a strange man after a 'Mix-up' when they had a working car with gas. Not one of them would.

But that's sort of the inciting incident of the film, its the thing that has to happen for the plot to exist. And thematically the film takes quite deliberate joy in playing the game of 'how many red flags can we put up for the character to ignore' because they obviously end up subverting it.


Covetouscraven t1_ituen5f wrote

How did you watch this movie and not notice the huge tonal shift halfway through to become a horror comedy?


tinoynk t1_itueori wrote

Overall I think the characters make good decisions. She straight up says “nope” about going down the hallway initially, her first instinct upon seeing the camera room is immediately to leave, using the chair to prop open the creepy closing door, Justin Long tries extra hard to keep the gun, etc.

Sure all of these get negated to continue the plot, but compared to most horror movies I think there’s a pretty good effort made in terms of having the characters make at least some choices you might.


MartinScorsese t1_ituh72f wrote

> where characters make stupid decisions just so we can have a fuckin' movie.

Oh, Jesus God NO, characters are making stupid decisions in A HORROR MOVIE? Perish the thought!


OnlyMamaKnows t1_itujn11 wrote

Why post at all if you're going to delete it as soon as 5 people disagree with you? Be confident in your opinion or keep it to yourself.