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polkjamespolk t1_iub2u86 wrote

Have you looked at My Dinner with Andre?


UpfrontFinn t1_iub38qd wrote

Pulp Fiction has a lengthy conversation at a lunch table.


TeeterPosh t1_iub40sp wrote

The Godfather has several such scenes. "Now you get the hell outta here!" "Thank you for the dinner and a very pleasant evening."


Umbert360 t1_iub42d9 wrote

Hugh Jackman’s performance during a restaurant dinner scene in Movie 43 is quite memorable


MarianaFrusciante t1_iub4mvr wrote

I saw Barbarian today and there's a scene of a woman and a man drinking wine on a couch and talking, early in the film. Maybe that helps


MarianaFrusciante t1_iub4t1s wrote

Jurassic Park: Hammond and Ellie talk on a large table while eating icecream about the troubles with the park


Prince_Of_The_Rodeo t1_iub4u9w wrote

There's a standalone "special" episode of the TV series Euphoria called "Trouble don't last always".

It's an hour long, two people at a diner talking the whole episode. Deep talk

Maybe that's something?


FoxOntheRun99 t1_iub4wou wrote

Big Night. Has a lot of conversations in the kitchen. And ofc, it goes up and down between the two main characters.


Landlubber77 t1_iub5bxh wrote

Kingsman: The Secret Service. Colin Firth and Samuel L Jackson have a pretty compelling conversation over dinner where each laments not fulfilling their respective childhood fantasies of becoming the very thing that the other became, gentleman spy versus colorful megalomaniac. It's a very...happy meal.


Clapbakatyerblakcat t1_iub6yca wrote

There’s a dinner scene at the end of Hannibal with Anthony Hopkins cooking and having a conversation with Julianne Moore and Ray Liotta. Both the conversation and the meal are troubling…


SaltySteveD87 t1_iubb3m3 wrote

The Before Trilogy (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight) is a masterpiece of dialogue. The second film in particular has incredible conversations that take place in real time.


fruitporridge t1_iubbto3 wrote

La la land


Diary of a mad black woman. Lol.

August osage county


Revolutionary_Big903 t1_iubi9z9 wrote

‘Night, Mother not exactly dinner, but two people and it gets INTENSE


Cake-Over t1_iuboshc wrote

The restaurant scene in The Sixth Sense.


Wana_B_Haxor t1_iubs40a wrote

Some good recommendations here for films. I think some other things to consider is what you’re trying get out of the scenes visually? Are there things you can do with table setting, the way food is being cooked or eaten, the body language or the characters as the conversation tone changes. Film is a visual medium so it’s important not to overload with dialogue when you should be visually interesting instead.

I have no idea how experienced you are so maybe you’re on top of all this already! If so disregard!


justleave-mealone t1_iubse0r wrote

There’s a movie called Carnage, with Christoph Waltz, Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster and John C Riley.

The WHOLE movie is basically a dinner conversation that goes up and down. It’s great acting from everyone involved and also has pretty decent writing too.

I highly recommend, it seems right up your alley.


garrisontweed t1_iubt05f wrote

All the Old Knives.

Two Ex Lovers/C.I.A Agents meet for dinner and over its course play a game of cat and mouse trying to out play each other.Stars Chris Pine and Thandie Newton.


thechilecowboy t1_iubt9af wrote

Tampopo. Eat Drink Man Woman. And my favorite, The Cook The Thief The Wife and Her Lover. Ouch. I'm not sure if these have convos between two people (though perhaps they must), but they're worth a look-see.


JediTigger t1_iubwujt wrote

The Big Chill and Twister have great meal scenes.


KembarDad t1_iuc0ky8 wrote

The legendary meeting of Al Pacino and Robert De Niro’s characters in the movie Heat. There are a few other scenes in restaurants throughout that movie too.


Sacto-Sherbert t1_iucbu3u wrote

The Dinner (2017)

The Platform (not really about a “meal”, but an interesting - and gruesome - allegory on social status and resource allocation)

Four to Dinner (2022)

The Invitation (2016)

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Melinda and Melinda


sgmctabnxjs t1_iuczv1j wrote

Woody Allen has many scenes with people conversing at meals. Often he uses a round table and the camera circles. I can't think of them off the top of my head, maybe someone else will chime in.

They're not usually just two people though.