Submitted by Similar-Border-4076 t3_ygbgcp in movies

I remember this strange movie where a couple lived on an island and some strange happenings started, at the climax of the movie there was a dog/monster creature that looked almost like it was made of stone. The husband was faced with it in one scene where he said, “nice doggy,” in fear.

It’s not a lot to go on but if anyone had any ideas let me know.



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ConjeturaUna t1_iu7ugty wrote

Yes... one time my mom took us to The Potters house. We watched some religious rapture type of movie. Scared the hell out of me. Always wanted to see that one again. Can't find it.


yabadabadobadthingz t1_iu7urnf wrote

I remember waking up in the middle of the night, in the late 70’s to some black and white movie of a hand crawling around killing people.


DrRexMorman t1_iu7uzjk wrote

A mechanical dinosaur (maybe breathed fire) that rises up out of a swamp - it scares a man to death.

People come back and find it later and his corpse is in it, somehow.


electric_shocks t1_iu7v5bb wrote

Us older people can help you all find the movies you remember. But most of the posts provide a ton unnecessary information with no significant details.


Fackinsaxy t1_iu7v9jf wrote

It sounds ridiculous but i have been trying for YEARS to identify this specific kid's show/movie that i remember watching as a child that scared the shit outta me lol. It involved puppet characters or toys or something that could talk, and there was a scary forbidden area of their house(?) called "The Bean Land" which was behind the Bean Land Door. There was even a song that I still remember about The Bean Land Door, and my twin also remembers this program, however nobody i have ever met recognizes it and i've never found anything on the internet about a Bean Land Door lol. It's like my own personal Mandela Effect


WomanInAVan t1_iu7vxnl wrote

I remember seeing a TV show as a kid (mid 80s to early 90s) that I think was educational and all I remember from it is a woman making homemade playdoh out of salt and flour and turning it into shapes. There was also a motorcycle riding towards the camera at some point. I must have seen it a few times as the memory holds a lot of nostalgia and I'd dearly love to see it again. It was also likely British.


Zergio200ism t1_iu7vyus wrote

Yeah i remember watching a movie g*where there was kid who had some kinda powers or something like that, and there were some guys that were trying to get him or something, all the characters looked asian, and the movie looked old.


After_Hovercraft7822 t1_iu7wraj wrote

I’ve got two distinct memories of scenes from when I was maybe 8 or 9 (so late 80s early 90s).

One is a horror movie where a bunch of street punk teenagers are killed on a roller coaster. The person operating the coaster seemed to want to kill rowdy teenagers.

The other was a movie where a woman is keeping a man in a cage in her house for a king period of time. Her intent is to kill him and eat him later in the movie.

Bugged me for years and then I decided I was maybe misremembering these scenes and that these movies don’t exist.


davidlovepandles t1_iu7wteq wrote

I’ve had a couple like that. r/tipofmytongue helped me out with the weird fantasy about killing off a romantic rival after an old woman gets young again, that’s death becomes her

But there’s another from maybe the 70s or 80s where I think a sort of mummy first was after somebody in a maze, wish I could find it because it scared me as a kid on late night tv


SlumgullySlim t1_iu7xiyh wrote

Not sure at all about the first one, but could the second one be Tales From The Darkside: The Movie? Debbie Harry was a witch that was fattening up a boy in a cage. He prolonged her from cooking him by telling her horror stories, which is what the rest of the movie was!


Haunting_opinion90 t1_iu7xtsu wrote

I remember watching a movie in a hotel one time when I was little all I remember is there’s a scene with peaches like this lady around a peach tree or something idk it’s definitely nothing to go off lol but it has bugged me ever since. I was probably like 10 at the time if that


itsnever2late4now t1_iu7y2hm wrote

I'm not sure if it's the same thing, because it doesn't all fit, but the "nice doggy" to a stone dog is very much from this movie. It's possible you mixed up a couple of different movies, or misremember the plot, or maybe I'm completely wrong altogether. But either way, the "nice doggy" to a (formerly) stone dog is definitely in Ghostbusters.


FoxOntheRun99 t1_iu80snl wrote

I remember I watched this really strange animated movie on VHS that I rented and I could never remember the title. All I remembered was some imagery and characters, the main character - a painter/artist and a evil cactus king.

It's only recently I found out it was called The Elm-Chanted Forest. A Croatian-American I don't think I can find this movie to watch, but I haven't tried hard enough.


Pristine-Molasses-46 t1_iu8137u wrote

What about a movie from the 80s-90s about some woman seducing a man in a office or warehouse. Kinda erotic, it was on tv too. I can’t remember anything else !


Leningradite t1_iu82asq wrote

I remember seeing an old episode of some '80s-'90s show late at night as a kid where some femme fatale type woman transforms into a giant wasp and eats some poor dude. I believe it was an episode of The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone.


zhemer86 t1_iu84hg3 wrote

I have two,

1: a prop plane is flying above Alaska maybe and it crashes into a lake. A young kid survives and the the pilot is dead and his eye is floating outside his skull. I think about this movie once a month for the last 30+ years and have never found it.

2: woman taking a shower and the drain is clogged so she sticks a hanger down there and pulls out a monsters bloody finger I think.


BuffaloCold t1_iu859n6 wrote

I remember this safety video we had on VHS, I think it was about fire safety where there was a lady who got her toast stuck in a toaster so she shoves a fork into it try and get it out. I also think there was an old guy playing a vampire in it...? Haven't seen that video since the early nineties. I still vaguely remember it but cant find it.


brettsolem t1_iu86y5j wrote

slasher movie. Slasher wore a clown suit? killed a dude with a draino spiked beer which blew his belly open and impaled a woman on a coat hook.


-WASM t1_iu87au5 wrote

Yes, some kind of animation from the late 80s\early 90s. There’s a virus that looks like a robotic bug infecting people. People turn blue and spiky when infected. There’s a couple and they turned blue and their kissing tongues went spikey when they were kissing. Lots of psychedelic imagery. I thought maybe Aeon Flux but haven’t found any imagery to match. It’s not Strange Planet either. Had a Heavy Metal or anime vibe. Would love if anyone knows what I’m talking about.


Cake-Over t1_iu8c6th wrote

Turns out it's humorous short from 1975 called Recorded Live.

When I was 5 or 6, I had seen this really scary short film about murderous reel-to-reel tape that stalks and brutally kills a man. Over the decades, I've described it to family, friends, coworkers, movie aficionados, film freaks, and cinema snobs. Nobody knew what the hell I was talking about such that eventually I convinced myself that it was nothing more than a product of my active imagination when I was a child.

In the opening months of the pandemic, I was watching clips from Tremors on YouTube and holy fucking shit the mustachioed actor, whose face had long since been burned into my memory, popped up in the recommendations thumbnail.

It was real! It was really real! It was also a bonus feature on the Tremors 4 dvd.


sasquatchmoonlight t1_iu8n5v7 wrote

I was obsessed with karate and kung fu movies in the late 90s. There was a certain one that I used to watch but my father took it away after I got into a fight at school. I remember a scene where a young martial artist was either killed or badly injured by a master/instructor (I think it was an instructor). I remember there was blood all over his Gi (vague facts, I know) It was an older movie, might have been dubbed over with English and I think the setting of the movie was some karate camp or school.

I’ve wondered what movie this was for years. I don’t expect anyone to know much based on my terrible recollection but it’s worth a shot.


MovieMike007 t1_iu8q5bb wrote

I have vague memories of a film where there is a plane crash in the jungle and the only survivor is a little boy who has a little stuffed toy lion, the film ends with the toy coming to life to save him from those hunting the kid.


ConjeturaUna t1_iu8sa56 wrote

No, I would have remembered Kirk Cameron


Roncon1981 t1_iu8vfdw wrote

Remember a tv show or end of a movie where the guy was going round chopping organs out of people. The last seen is him putting the heart into his chest and screaming / shouting


Fackinsaxy t1_iu8vpi5 wrote

HOLY SHIT i'm actually starting to wonder if it was an episode of this lol but it's weird cause my twin and i both remember, specifically, "The Bean Land Door" so i'm not sure. Definitely the closest suggestion i've ever had i believe, it rang a weird bell lol


DrummerGuy06 t1_iu93lfo wrote

There was something I saw at a Parent's friends house briefly when I was passing through where it was the desert or possibly another planet. A turtle-like creature fell down this small rounded pit and was trying climb out. A tentacle came out of the center and slowly extended towards the turtle-creature, eventually sticking to it. It picked it up and then slowly lowered it into the sand. The camera cuts to an area near the pit and a cartoon-like sound of the monster eating the creature, which ends with the creature spitting out the shell and the shell landing in front of the camera, with the inside completely missing and bloody.

This would be in the late 80's, and I've never been able to figure out what the hell it was that I watched all those years ago.


mlb2006 t1_iu93zip wrote

Very old animated movie where I can only remember a scene specifically. A boy/prince comes trapped in a room completely covered in ice. Then the hole thing gets heated up in some way and he escapes.


HitchlikersGuide t1_iu9506q wrote

I remember in the mid-late eighties I saw a fantasy film at some kid's house where they had magic rings with blue/red laser/magic but have never been able to find it since.

Weird how these things stick with you - I don't think I was even in school yet at the time.


zhemer86 t1_iu9c7ag wrote

Oh man, it was! It’s called cry of the wild and it came out in 1990. I found the movie on YouTube and it’s totally it! It’s PG so my parents must have taken me or rented it when I was 4 or 5. That scene has been stuck with me for 32 years lol. Great call


AmeliaMangan t1_iu9cc22 wrote

>One is a horror movie where a bunch of street punk teenagers are killed on a roller coaster. The person operating the coaster seemed to want to kill rowdy teenagers.

Could this be The New Kids (1985)? It's about a bunch of delinquents who terrorize two nice teens who just arrived in town, and the climax takes place at the nice kids' uncle's amusement park.


Trucon78 t1_iuay5mf wrote

There was a french(?) movie that used to come on HBO(?) about a group of kids that built ice fortresses and battled each other. There was a Saint Bernard in it too.


kleptophobiac t1_iub3k4p wrote

There was an anime that was shown on local TV in the 70s in L.A. that I've never been able to find since. At one point a lot of subterranean-dwelling, small people were chanting, "Into the machine, into the machine'", over and over as the (I presume) protagonist is being dragged toward one. Anyone know this one?


shoelala100 t1_iubgasi wrote

I remember a movie as a kid were this man/monster who looked like he was wearing some sort of tribal mask (armour of god type) and he’s pulling a victim towards him on a rope. Think I started crying and my mum turned it off. No one seems to remember it tho and I’m starting to think it was a dream.


distortedmirror t1_iubtgui wrote

I remember watching a cop movie as a small child. It was from the 90's at the latest, probably older. There was two policemen who were extremely overweight, one of them being more clearly the protagonist. He had a son who was into competitive target shooting.

There was a stalker type serial killer wreaking havoc, and a skinny cop who was murdered, and the protagonist blamed himself because he left his pager in the car while watching his son's target shooting, because he was neglecting him before due to work.

Also there was a scene where someone shot the other fat cop multiple times with a machine gun, and the bullet holes made it look like a smiley face. The cop was unharmed because he had a bulletproof vest on, and the scene ended with them laughing about it.

I have tried to search it for years and years with no luck.


bonjingdin t1_iuc1mfj wrote

I'm also looking for a movie that I watched as a kid. Can't remember much but it's about a police officer. The only thing that I mostly remembered is that there's a crime/murder that occured (I think its a woman that got killed). Then the events/what's happening around him seem to keep repeating so he killed himself. After that he woke up in a room and every time he tries to leave, he ends up in the same room and he can't escape. I've been searching for this in ages!