There's something that happens when you take an actor, whether they are famous or not, and bury them in makeup to the point they are almost unrecognizable. The makeup allows them to truly inhabit their characters in a way they might not otherwise be able to. I'll give you some examples.
Dustin Hoffman as Hook. The kid from The Graduate is a pirate? And yet being covered in that costume helps to bring his performance to life. A more subtle costume would not have made for a more interesting performance.
Hugh Grant in Cloud Atlas. I still can't believe this cannibal guy slurping blood off of a machete is Hugh Grant. I don't think he even says anything in that role and it is chilling.
Andrew Robinson as Garak in Deep Space Nine. Taking someone known for a villainous role and putting them in makeup allowed the actor to inhabit one of the most multi layered characters in all of Star Trek. It wouldn't have been quite the same without the makeup and the costume.
So why don't we see this more often than we do when it works so well. Makeup can completely transform someone to the point where the actor disappears and the character emerges.
Existence-ispain t1_itofx8x wrote
Because for a lot of actors their attractiveness or looks is a big factor in if they can sell a movie or draw a crowd.