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isbashko t1_iuisvcv wrote

He and Liam Neeson should do a violent reboot of Grumpy Old Men.


DJ-Dowism t1_iujz43c wrote

Ex-cops forced to become roommates because of their crappy pension start noticing something crooked going on in the low-rent apartment complex where they now mix with the criminal class they worked against their entire careers. Also one of them might've been on the take and there's a rapscallion kid with a heart of gold and a hot grandma.


isbashko t1_iuk02u1 wrote

Gotta have The GILF in there


DJ-Dowism t1_iuk1q3w wrote

You could call it Beat Cops because they both retired plains-clothes despite ignominious turns in detective and tactical units but their chief busted them down to the street because of their reckless insubordination, and because they're, y'know, old and busted.