Submitted by sgavary t3_yhyu3q in movies

I’m doing a bit of research on PG movies, specifically I am cross comparing what was considered worthy of a PG rating in the 90’s vs now, I was curious if anyone could give me examples of PG films from the 90’s that push the boundaries? Examples I have are Dick Tracy, and the Rocketeer. I am partially doing this because I believe PG has lost all of its meaning in current movies and is just slapped on any animated movie with even a hint of sadness.



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Lenene247 t1_iugejen wrote

I'm surprised Beetlejuice was PG (80s, but close). It's pretty dark. Lots of death and suicide, some scares and creepy creatures, and an f-bomb.


sgavary OP t1_iugepyx wrote

Why don’t we get any PG movies like that anymore? That movie came like 4 years after the PG-13 rating was implemented, that’s plenty of time to hammer out the new criteria


Doodlefart77 t1_iugf50j wrote

Assuming you're from the USA then it never really had much meaning. Your PG could be my PG or it could be my M. Your R is my MA15+ and your NC17 is my R18+. PG has a wide enough range of content in the States that other countries have multiple ratings to break it up more appropriately. For example Men in black is PG there but M here. We also have PG but you'd probably consider it a "soft" PG

Also don't forget the rationale for ratings have changed in recent years. They've gotten alot more detailed and specific than they used to be.


oflimiteduse t1_iugfbwx wrote

Who framed Roger rabbit is '88 and pretty fucking hardcore.


FaceFootFart t1_iugg6su wrote

The 80s were worse than the 90s. Titanic was PG13 and essentially had a naked Kate Winslett on screen for awhile.


Chuck710Taylor t1_iugi2h1 wrote

Hard-core 80s movies are easier to find because then it was just G, PG and R. Pg13 had to be created as an in-between.


vilebutvast t1_iugnxbh wrote

Hocus Pocus is a 90s PG movie and I thought it was scary then (the prospect of eating children, possessing children to get them to come to their house so they could be boiled in a pot??? Lol)


apoplectic-confetti t1_iugopbh wrote

I thought The Witches was way too scary for a PG rating when I saw it as a kid. It gave my sister nightmares.


PeterLopan t1_iugoz0n wrote

Insidious is PG-13 and is scary af. Poltergeist is PG


OneManFreakShow t1_iugqn9n wrote

Insidious has nothing that warrants an R rating. People really need to stop thinking that an R is a requirement for being scary. As for Poltergeist, it was released long before the PG-13 rating had been established.


AnderHolka t1_iugy7dd wrote

90s Disney went pretty hard. Lion King and Hunchback of Notre Dame.


roboticshrimp t1_iujapyr wrote

Bit earlier but in the mid-80s Disney released an animated film called "The Black cauldron" which had some pretty gnarly scenes with resurrecting a skeleton army.