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MulciberTenebras t1_iu5ktc3 wrote

Lee was had little screentime most of the Dracula films, he hated the role and refused to read any of the written dialogue.


OrangeSundays19 t1_iu5lb6u wrote

He had such great presence always. Maybe he was just looking for the right script that rarely came. For some reason it's hard to do Dracula well.


-SneakySnake- t1_iu5tyou wrote

It's funny, Lee's actual portrayal was fantastic but as a character, Hammer Dracula was pretty weak and inept. He kept getting killed in the lamest and most undignified ways.


MulciberTenebras t1_iu5lnyt wrote

He said the dialogue was ridiculous and he wasn't about to stoop to reading whatever drivel they came up with (keep in mind they also basically strong-armed him into coming back to the role - "think of the people you'll put out of work if you don't do it!")