I just finished this movie for the first full time. I've seen chunks of it, but never the whole thing. It is a damn great movie with a great damn cast.
Story is fucking great and Andy is a phenomenal protagonist who is also tragic, but the shit he went through, never let that get the best of him. And Red, awesome secondary protagonist who not for a second steals the spotlight
All of the character development and story progression is awesome, and it's rather inspirational how much patience Andy had while in prison. He spent almost 20 years there, the whole time plotting to escape.
He took his time, and never once lost his mind in the process. And the man was innocent.....how does someone who is innocent spend almost 20 years of their life they can never get back in prison, go through hell, and never legit lose their sanity?
Also, Samuel....total piece of shit down to his core...but a great villain in that regard. He isn't one of those likable villains, he's the kind whom you want to see his comeuppance. At first he may seem likable because Andy succeeds in impressing him, but no he's still an irredeemable p.o.s., same exact thing goes for his right hand man played by Clancy Brown
At the end of the movie, it is satisfying to see that Andy exposed them of their crimes and to see Byron Hadley arrested, but was annoying that Samuel took the cowardly way out. Did not face it like a man....
This movie is easily a masterpiece and I wish I had this as part of my blu-ray collection
Ohadi_Nacnud_3 t1_iu3dzly wrote
I'm happy to hear you finally got to see it in its full. You are right it's an amazing film.