lukas2006089 t1_iuas8fv wrote
What makes the omen scary? Just the setting that gives you chills?
lukas2006089 t1_iuasaqs wrote
So it won’t be worth it to spend 5 bucks on the og if the remake is on Disney?
mikeweasy t1_iuasv9s wrote
The remake has never scarred me, its just a few death scenes and some devilish imagery that will scare someone.
Responsible-Ninja-30 t1_iuavxur wrote
Haven't watched the remake, only the original, is it worth a go ?
reefchieferr t1_iuawci3 wrote
Not very.
Nobodycares2022 t1_iub68f1 wrote
You're better off watching the original
thunderkid1984 t1_iucl0kq wrote
The original is definitely scarier. As someone mentioned, the old movie look of it makes it automatically eerier and the music too gives you the chills. The remake is an almost scene by scene copy of the original but not nearly as scary.
HardSteelRain t1_iud6jll wrote
Its not,stick with the original
thatredditscribbler t1_iuarprb wrote
OG is more scarier, but only because that old ass movie look makes older horror movies look way scarier for some reason.
I thought it was a solid remake. There’s nothing new about it, though. It’s the same movie and it was good.