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Cool-S4ti5fact1on t1_iufkd1t wrote

I am not sure about LOTR being seriously considered as "unfilmable". I think that is more of a meme than anything. Specially considering most of the movie beats and plot choices follow the exact same beats as in the LOTR cartoon from the 80s. The cartoons made all the same choices like not including Tom Bombadil, not including Barrow Wights, not including Glorfindel. Even many of the iconic scenes from the movies like the Black Riders creeping over the Hobbits over the tree trunk can be found exactly in the same way as in the cartoons, which is odd because in the books the 4 hobbits weren't huddled together when the Black Riders was there. So clearly a lot of east inspiration was taken from the cartoons.

>Star Wars was simply an updated version of an extremely common "hero journey" story.

Dune predates Star Wars, and Star Wars is basically Dune with laser swords. Dune has The Voice and Star Wars has Jedi mind powers, Dune has spice and SW has spice, Dune has noble families and politics in space and SW has the same. There's a whole bunch of other similarities.