ComprehensivePiano81 t1_iuh4g3n wrote
Wish she would play my wife. So adorable.
The_Iceman2288 t1_iuh4x37 wrote
We-are-straw-dogs t1_iuh5vs8 wrote
Wilde starring Stephen Fry and Jude Law is a spiffing great picture, don't you know
Eotheod0092 t1_iuh62u1 wrote
Such an underrated film.
Joharis-JYI t1_iuh7edu wrote
I see Emilia Clarke, I upvote. Genuinely one of the more grounded big celebrities.
craic-house t1_iuh8hbi wrote
Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.
Oscar Wilde
JensonInterceptor t1_iuha8m8 wrote
I doubt her ability to put on a good Irish accent
Pow67 t1_iuhc8pa wrote
I doubt she would’ve took the role if she couldn’t
theoldkitbag t1_iuhcg5n wrote
99% of the history of Irish characters on film would disagree.
JensonInterceptor t1_iuhci5m wrote
Jason Statham plays American characters and can't do an accent
Spooky_Cron t1_iuhcvpq wrote
I know nothing about Constance Lloyd but this is perfect casting as I think Emilia Clarke would be my ideal wife
tetoffens t1_iuhejsy wrote
Doesn't need one. She was Irish by ancestry but lived in London most of her life. Born there too.
JensonInterceptor t1_iuhepa2 wrote
Ah one of those
Kyadagum_Dulgadee t1_iuhfwwp wrote
Yeah but he can kick two men in the face at once
Kyadagum_Dulgadee t1_iuhg0yt wrote
I don't remember anyone having those concerns about Stephen Fry playing Oscar.
davej999 t1_iuhim1a wrote
Yeah shes up there ...Alicia Vikander would be a strong contender to be my wife also
fulthrottlejazzhands t1_iuhiz6t wrote
You should suggest this to your wife or partner. I'm pretty sure they'd understand and the reaction would be both measured and reasonable.
ComprehensivePiano81 t1_iuhju84 wrote
I’m single :) and I said play, as in my theatre production!!!
SwingJugend t1_iuhm7l8 wrote
The Okay Wife
Mudders_Milk_Man t1_iuhnuwe wrote
The person she's playing was born and raised in London, so that won't be an issue.
Cannaewulnaewidnae t1_iuhpiyq wrote
Accurate title
fulthrottlejazzhands t1_iuhu8vc wrote
Funny you say that. Incidentally, I saw Emilia Clarke in a play (Breakfast at Tiffany's) years ago. Apparently, they had gone through three separate cats in the role of Holly Golightly's pet because they would follow instruction. The night I saw the show, the cat was supposed to exit stage right, but wouldn't go. It took a trainer audibily shaking a can of treats off stage and Emilia gently nudging with her foot for it to leave.
[deleted] t1_iuhv20e wrote
politedeerx t1_iui0cn9 wrote
Emilia Clarke to Play Irish Author Constance Lloyd, Wife of Oscar Wilde, in Sophie Hyde’s ‘The Ideal Wife’. The grammar in that headline was a shocker.
Thor_pool t1_iui6qa1 wrote
The Midwife
ShambolicPaul t1_iui71q0 wrote
Oh thank god someone gave my girl some more work. Emilia and Kitt have been very vocal about struggling to find roles in a post game of thrones world.
riftadrift t1_iui9zvz wrote
The Mid Wife
mdmnl t1_iuib7mb wrote
With one foot.
While on fire.
Oscar-Wilde-1854 t1_iuibwxe wrote
For anyone curious, I would assume the title is a reference to Wilde's play "An Ideal Husband".
John_Bonachon t1_iuic6kn wrote
"Muh wife"
-Oscar Wilde
Oscar-Wilde-1854 t1_iuicdv1 wrote
As a general trope these days, I agree. But I posted elsewhere in here that I would assume the title is a reference to Wilde's play "An Ideal Husband".
So in this case I think it gets a bit of a pass considering the reference work was titled in 1895. It was a little before the more recent trend of "The Good Wife", "The Good Place", etc.
resplendentquetzals t1_iuiczzf wrote
You speak the truth. She was great in GOT, but she barely landed it.
Mikejones1990mj t1_iuidamq wrote
I’m sure it will be great just wanted to point out so many great IRISH actresses there are
Dentipres t1_iuieyss wrote
I think both Constance Lloyd and Oscar Wilde would have had what we now consider an educated English accent.
Thor_pool t1_iuif6fp wrote
Yeah that was the joke
Kyadagum_Dulgadee t1_iuiggfm wrote
I would say. Have you ever heard really old Irish radio broadcasts? They sound English.
heyitsEnricoPallazzo t1_iuigixr wrote
TIL Oscar Wilde had a wife
Porrick t1_iuiih93 wrote
That fucker was king of the pithy one-liner.
DieFanboyDie t1_iuij64u wrote
I'm just here to find out if we're still shitting n Emilia Clarke in this subreddit; gotta know which way the bandwagon is headed.
craic-house t1_iuijrbs wrote
Happy cake day
Porrick t1_iuijs0u wrote
You can say "upper-crusty toff", we don't take it personally. The derogatory term the Irish use for us is "West-Brit".
I went to a fancy boarding school in Ireland where we learned Latin instead of Irish, and where children were mocked for having an Irish accent. Which almost none of us did, despite almost all being Irish. Well - Anglo-Irish. My own family is technically indigenous but Protestant, but we're indistinguishable from the rest of the Anglo-Irish crowd anyway so it's a bit disingenuous to claim I'm not one of them.
Anyway, my point is there's a tiny minority class of Irish aristo gobshites who speak RP and live in big fancy houses in the country. Wilde would very likely have sounded like one of us.
russianpotato t1_iuiks1g wrote
What a weird face!
kodaiko_650 t1_iuikxv2 wrote
The show was almost called “The Importance of Being Ernestine”
Dentipres t1_iuiky1o wrote
Ah yeah we just go with "Seonín" in the west 😅
Porrick t1_iuil68k wrote
You know I'm less hurt by the meaning of that term than the fact that I had to look it up!
DieFichte t1_iuimghm wrote
I wouldn't even have concerns if Stephen Fry plays Wonder Woman.
DadBodybuilder t1_iuimnf3 wrote
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
prvhc21 t1_iuimro9 wrote
The Convenient Wife
teo730 t1_iuimx2w wrote
Gnulnori t1_iuin5if wrote
The ‘Aight’ Wife
Wanderhoden t1_iuiq7zl wrote
Oh now I’m mildly annoyed that the film was not titled “‘An’ Ideal Wife”. My morning is slightly ruined.
FullOfWisdom211 t1_iuiwnb0 wrote
I loved her and that show, back in the day
FullOfWisdom211 t1_iuiwych wrote
Bonus scene!
FullOfWisdom211 t1_iuix48z wrote
Well, they do need to find something worthy
FullOfWisdom211 t1_iuix6ot wrote
Leave her alone
MrsMaiselsBrisket t1_iuiyeu8 wrote
Yup, and two sons. His wife changed their surname to Holland to avoid scandal. One of the sons would later go on to die in WWI. Wilde has a living grandchild, Merlin Holland, and at least one great-grandchild.
mksavage1138 t1_iuiyhkp wrote
Well, she is used to flaming co-stars
HEHEHO2022 t1_iuj1dc4 wrote
if she was great how did she only barely land it
Relevant_Industry878 t1_iuj1j2i wrote
The Mids Wife. We be blazing that shit.
Porrick t1_iuj1xh0 wrote
Meanwhile, you have the best username I've seen in a long time! Fair play!
Porrick t1_iuj28xs wrote
In that case, I'm annoyed it's "The Ideal Wife" and not "An Ideal Wife".
Porrick t1_iuj2dsp wrote
I wonder if he was stoically "doing his duty" or if he was actually bi
Porrick t1_iuj2il9 wrote
Eh, this one gets a pass considering the real-life person she's playing was born and raised in London. They called their children "Cyril" and "Vyvyan". Would someone with an Irish accent do that?
Porrick t1_iuj30xd wrote
Looks like there's a bit of that, and also a couple of salty Irish people who are upset that a woman born and raised in London is being played by a Brit.
DrSeuss19 t1_iuj794k wrote
I think he was bi leaning towards men. He definitely appreciated the beauty of women.
high_revs t1_iuj79x5 wrote
But he was gay right?
craic-house t1_iuj7b9c wrote
Glad you like it. I get mixed reviews. Cheers.
DrSeuss19 t1_iuj8jo5 wrote
Why do people in here hate her?
DrSeuss19 t1_iuj8qb1 wrote
Neither is the best actor/actress so unless they’re exceptionally talented it’s going to be hard to get directors/producers to sign ‘em up
MikeArrow t1_iujavyv wrote
So weird your assumption was that they had a wife or partner.
DieFanboyDie t1_iujcxxq wrote
'Cause she had roles in some movies they didn't like, near as I can tell, therefore, she's trash.
[deleted] t1_iujd3n1 wrote
Try_Another_Please t1_iujdb2l wrote
Emilia is already in a major marvel series and has been in movies.
Kit I understand though he's not really trying to leave thrones anyway it seems
Haus42 t1_iujdk2l wrote
That's too bad, I was imagining it would have been like when Rachel Riley impersonated Aisling Bea, which was, like, my turd favorite thing ever.
Stensi24 t1_iujf86p wrote
“Hate” is abit much, she seems like a lovely person, just not a good actress.
She did alright in GoT but not so alright in the things she did after.
Tbf it’s hard to tell with her because she does seem to pick downright terrible projects… used her GoT fame to land Terminator Genisys(GET IT? GeneSYS like in system!) which is widely considered the worst one in the franchise, even when including 3.
Edit: I ofcourse only speak for myself.
ShambolicPaul t1_iujgv4v wrote
Him writing, starring and producing that Thrones series is probably his way of getting himself some work.
Captainwelfare2 t1_iujhkp3 wrote
The Milf Wife will go straight to DVD soon after.
MrsMaiselsBrisket t1_iujkj9x wrote
He definitely had relationships with men, one of which resulted in a huge scandal. I don’t know enough about him to tell you if he was exclusively gay, bi, etc. Not to mention sexuality was looked at from a different perspective at the time.
godisanelectricolive t1_iujksv7 wrote
He seemed to have had a fairly late-in-life sexual awakening about men. His earlier writings showed more interest in women and courted women such as the actress Lillie Langtry but by his thirties his interest seemed to have shifted solidly to men.
When they first met he wrote passionate love poems to his wife and they had children together. However, they stopped having sex after the birth of their second child which was around the same he first started having affairs with men.
It's impossible to for certain what his predilections were. Perhaps he was pretending earlier and stopped later on. Perhaps his attraction to some women was real but he also had a preference for men, that he was on the gayer side of the Kinsey scale. But once he started experimenting with male sexual partners he seemed to really like it.
GhandisFlipFlop t1_iujla61 wrote
Kit is in the marvel series too and will likely feature again
godisanelectricolive t1_iujmgws wrote
Wilde said his Irish accent was the first thing he forgot once he got to Oxford when he was 20. He might have once had some kind of educated Dublin accent, back when he was attending Trinity.
His mother Jane Elgee was an Irish nationalist despite being Anglo-Irish. She was very in Irish folklore and was part of the Young Ireland movement. She wrote under the name Speranza and once called for an Irish armed rebellion.
[deleted] t1_iujnp68 wrote
StrLord_Who t1_iuk6fo2 wrote
Yes he and his wife were madly in love with a very active sex life for many years. They were the Zelda and Fitzgerald of England. He was actually quite a ladies man when he was younger. There was one particular young man he became obsessed with later in life, Lord Alfred Douglas, (who was the one who introduced him to male prostitutes, etc.) but there is not a lot of evidence Wilde considered himself what we think of as "gay." The opposite, actually, even with all his activity in that arena. The full story, and what happened with "Bosie" who betrayed him is so much more interesting than "Oscar Wilde gay," I'm not quite sure how it got reduced to that. We have the transcript of his trial, it's absolutely fascinating. It's published as a book, I recommend it. He was just as devastatingly witty off the cuff as he is on the page.
DisasterPeace7 t1_iuk814n wrote
The title sounds ironic and feministy, pass , although I'm happy to see Emilia keep up with the consistency I know she was fairly vocal about finding work post GOT
Awkward-Quarter3043 t1_iuk8gzd wrote
whispers Hot take: I loved Game of Thrones but I don’t think she is a great actress
tuxxer t1_iukc1az wrote
> Alicia Vikander would be a strong contender to be my wife also
Watching her in Irma Vep umm, displaying the cat suit.
Mama mia
MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_iuh3v4o wrote
>”The Ideal Wife” will shed light on Lloyd, who was an author and feminist activist who took part in the dress reform movement, which campaigned to allow women to dress in comfortable clothing rather than the stifling Victorian dresses of the era. Lloyd married Wilde in 1884 and the couple had two sons. However, after Wilde received a two-year prison term for homosexuality, which was still illegal at the time (it would only be decriminalized in England and Wales in 1967), Lloyd moved to Switzerland with their children, and distanced them from the writer.